Saturday, March 31, 2007
Test of hyperlinks
Trying to replace an URL with a specific word or phrase is not working.
For instance, trying to set the words "Bartcop Forum" instead of the actual URL...
Bartcop Forum
Wow, it worked this time. Patience and persistence pays off, I guess.
Flashback - December 15, 2005
Modern problems come with modern times, I guess. There are all sorts of new maladies being discovered and named, and new procedures designed to alleviate them. I'm a case in point.
What a lucky guy I am. (Actually quite lucky, to have good health insurance that will take care of most of this stuff.)
I've been diagnosed with Morton's Neuroma, which is another way of saying "pinched nerve," in my foot. They've got a new hi-tech surgical treatment for it. They snip the transverse intermetatarsal ligament to relieve pressure on the major nerve in your foot. Snip, snip. You only get an "ankle block" for pain so you get to stay awake during the procedure and watch it on TV while it's happening! Talk about reality TV! (I wonder if they'd give me a morphine drip instead?)
Those with flat feet (no arch) are allegedly more prone to this than those with a normal arch. Turns out I have very flat feet. If I'd been drafted to fight in Vietnam back in the '70's when I came of age, I would have been rejected because of my flat feet. And there I was sweating buckets about it at the time. (The year that I became eligible, they abolished the draft, so I missed it by THIS MUCH.)
There are some grisly details, and a surgical video {{cringe}} at this site:
I'm set for this "minimally invasive endoscopic" technique for mid-January (2006). I hope it works. It's getting more and more painful to walk or stand in one spot for any length of time. Every now and then, out of the blue, I get these jabs of throbbing, white-hot, searing pain in my foot, which, the doc says, is my nerve being stressed.
Talk about "workin' on my nerve!"
Friday, March 30, 2007
Stanford Prison Experiment

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Mark Morford's latest

Mark Morford's Notes & Errata column appears every Wednesday and Friday on SFGate, and in the Datebook section of the San Francisco Chronicle. Mark's column also has an RSS feed, and an archive of past columns, which includes a tiny photo of Mark probably insufficient for you to recognize him in the street and give him gifts.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
List Change - Goodbye George (I wish!)

9) "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family." —Greater Nashua, N.H., Jan. 27, 2000

7) "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."—Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2006)

5) "Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country." —Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004
4) "They misunderestimated me." —Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000
3) "Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?" —Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000

Saturday, March 24, 2007
Rack Jite returns!
by Rack Jite
Seems we are on the road to a constitutional showdown, in regards to the firings of several US Attorneys for political reasons. Which is not illegal. And then lying about it by saying they were fired for poor performance. Which is only illegal under oath. For six years the Bush Administration could sail through these slimy little political games because Congress was in his hip pocket, next to his hip flask full of Jack Nasty.
The Attorney's stories all ring the same bell, they were fired because of GOP political pressure put on the Justice Department because they were not prosecuting enough Democrats. Evidence and witnesses be damned! One example should put this in order for you.
Randy "Duke" Cunningham, premier Right-wing loon in Congress got caught last year taking $3 million dollars for his votes. Worst case of congressional graft in American History. He is presently serving 8 years at the People's Hotel and Spa. Carol S. Lam, US Attorney for the San Diego area gained that indictment and the conviction. She was fired.
Both houses of congress are asking for subpoenas for members of the Bush Administration, the President took a big slug of Jack Nasty, and regressed once again into his so successful BRING IT ON mode. He got on TV and pointed his finger saying no subpoenas, no oaths, closed doors, no cameras, no recording, only transcripts with the Administration in control the venue. Senator Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judicial Committee told Bush this morning to shove that up his ass, with the House soon to enter the fray.
Constitutional Crisis! Where are the tapes?!
Almost 10 years ago I remember President Clinton, under subpoena sitting in that crazyass courtroom convened by every rabid Clinton hater in Arkansas to find out if his dick swung to the left or the right(no kidding). Even before he opened his mouth, I said, Bill, why in the hell are you sitting in that chair?! Nothing good can come from it! I bet it wasn't Hillary's idea. But Clinton had a problem, the House, the Senate and five political votes in the Supreme Court. In the case today with Cowboy George, he can put kick in his personality disorder and swagger it out because he knows he has six political votes on the Supreme Court.
We are presently witnessing how the shift in congress is changing things. We are only slowly coming to see how 5 staunch conservative votes (and one conservative vote) on the Supreme Court are changing even the fabric of our society. If in the next twenty months 88 year old Justice John Stevens meets his maker, we are in really really big trouble for a really really long time.
One thing I can give George W. Bush, he is at least smarter than anyone who voted for him.
-Debate Area:
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
More Red-Light Cameras operational

10 New Red-Light Cameras Installed
Ten new red-light cameras were installed at the following Houston-area intersections beginning March 19.
Greens Road at the North Freeway
North Shepherd at North Loop West
East Freeway at Normandy
Antoine at the Northwest Freeway
North Freeway at Rankin Road
West Sam Houston Parkway at Bellaire Boulevard
Southwest Freeway at Wilcrest
South Main at the South Loop West
Monroe at the Gulf Freeway
Scott at the South Loop East
Red-light cameras were previously installed at the following intersections, according to the Houston Police Department.
West Loop South, East Service Road at San Felipe Street
Southwest Freeway, West Service Road at Bellaire Boulevard
Southwest Freeway, East Service Road at Beechnut Street
Southwest Freeway, East Service Road at Fondren Road
Northbound Chartres Street at St. Joseph's Parkway
Westbound Bissonnet Street at Southwest Freeway East Service Road
Eastbound El Dorado Boulevard at Gulf Freeway
Northbound Hollister Street at Northwest Freeway West Service Road
Eastbound West Road at North Freeway West Service Road
Southbound North Wayside Drive at East Freeway, North Service Road
Southwest Freeway feeder road at Fountainview Street
Southwest Freeway feeder road at Chimney Rock Road
Southwest Freeway feeder road at Westpark Drive
Southwest Freeway feeder road at Hillcroft Street
Gessner Road at Beechnut Street
Bissonnet Street at Sam Houston Parkway
610 West Loop at Westheimer Road
FM 1960 at Tomball Parkway
East Freeway at Uvalde Road
West Sam Houston Parkway at Beechnut Street
Harwin Street at Hillcroft Avenue
La Branch at Pease
Brazos Street at Elgin Street
Milam Street at Elgin Street
Travis Street at Webster Street
Richmond Avenue at Dunvale Drive
Bellaire Boulevard at Wilcrest Drive
Hillcroft Avenue at Richmond Avenue
Hillcroft Street at Harwin Drive
John F. Kennedy Boulevard at Greens Road
Bay Area Boulevard at El Camino Real
The automated cameras capture still images and video of red light runners.
Motorists who are caught by the cameras will receive a $75 ticket.
Donald Trump to Bush: "You're Fired!"
Google Video: Trump to Bush: You're Fired !
6 min 14 sec - Mar 19, 2007
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Sunday, March 18, 2007
List Change - Philosophy Bytes #2
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.
Mark Twain.
People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Abraham Lincoln.
Not failure, but low aim is a crime.
James Russell Lowell.
You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say.
Martin Luther.
I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
Mark Twain.
The road to a friend's house is never long.
Danish proverb.
People fear what they do not understand.
Bruce Lee.
Ignorance is the mother of research.
Charles F. Kettering.
Experience is not what happens to you, it is what you do with what happens to you.
Aldous Huxley.
It is also of your concern when there is a fire at your neighbour's.
Friday, March 16, 2007
George W. Bush is a Saint

Meet Paul D. Eaton
Video DescriptionGeneral Paul D. Eaton On Real Time with Bill Maher Personal MessageThank you, YouTube! Eaton is a retired Army Major General who was originally in charge of traing Iraqi's soldiers in the early days of our occupation of Iraq. Bill Maher interviewed Eaton on the 3/9/07 episode of Real Time on HBO.
Those words. Those good looks. Oh, man. The Crooks and Liars page is here: Quote from Eaton: "There is a containment opportunity here with the President". I'm not sure what he was referring to. Was he hinting at a possible coup to overthrow Bush? Normally I would not welcome anything like that in this country, but with all the damage that Bush has inflicted on this nation and the world, it might not be a bad idea. |
The A/C is fixed!!
Stephany Kern - mother of dead soldier
Please Don't Make My Grandchildren Pay for the War That Killed Their Father
By Stephany Kern t r u t h o u t Guest Contributor
Thursday 22 February 2007
The Bush administration wants us to give more of our precious human resources and more of our money to the war in Iraq. Coming from a military family, I do not want any soldiers to be without what they need, but in order to fully understand the problem, I realized I had to look beneath the simplistic cover the administration uses for its reasoning in asking for more.
In order to look objectively at this request for more money, I decided to review for myself how the administration has dealt with one basic safety need that troops on the ground have had: armor for vehicles sent to Iraq. Guess what? It's still a problem.
Why are the vehicles we send to Iraq still unarmored? After reading much about this issue, I had to conclude that the administration and the Pentagon have never looked at this issue as a mistake. My common sense tells me you don't send soldiers into a war like this without basic protection for their vehicles. The Pentagon callously did not see this as a significant issue. As a matter of fact, the idea that this was a mistake was dismissed with an offhanded remark by [former defense secretary Donald] Rumsfeld that I'm sure we all remember too well. Thankfully, the story was picked up by a few members of Congress and the media, and there was an effort to correct the problem.
The Pentagon and the administration have had four long years to fix this outrageous negligence, but have they made this a priority? No. They seem to have the attitude that the lives of our greatest military resource - our soldiers, our sons and daughters - are not valuable enough, not worthy enough, to invest and provide proper protection. I can only deduce from this attitude and the lack of action by the administration and the Pentagon that providing ground troops with proper equipment is not a priority.
The effort to address this issue began in late 2003, and it's still not corrected! Yes, this is true. Oh, there have been many "up-armored kits" sent into Iraq, and this is good - except that these kits do not include metal plates for the floors of these vehicles. Most of the "armored vehicles" in Iraq today are considered armored because these kits have been installed. This is not enough protection, considering that our solders are being killed daily by IEDs hidden underground, alongside, and in roads.
Today, unarmored vehicles continue to ship to Iraq. Imagine that. We allocated more money, yet the administration and those in charge of the money for Iraq can't tell us where the money went, and the soldiers are still driving along those dangerous roads in unarmored vehicles or in vehicles that are partially armored but lack protection for floors.
It seems unbelievable that we, the greatest industrial power in the world, could not solve the simple and entirely fixable problem of unarmored vehicles.
Let me review. We gave plenty of money and we have had plenty of time to make sure the problem was corrected. You'd think we would have straightened this out immediately, or at least by the end of 2004. Or at least 2005? How about 2006? Nope, the presumed great superpower, America, still cannot provide its military soldiers with the necessity of basic armored vehicles.
Now the administration wants more money, and is arguing that this is necessary to provide what troops on the ground need. Do you believe this additional money will be spent on the troops? Do you think the troops will get what they need?
Well, television's Dr. Phil tells us all that past behavior is the best predictor of the future. I'm not Dr. Phil, but even I can tell you that the safety of the troops is not the priority of this administration, and that the money will not go into protecting our greatest military resource, the soldiers themselves.
As you drive to work listening to the radio, I want you to take a moment to think about the three or four young soldiers who will be killed today, and the 25 young soldiers who will give an arm, a leg, or a part of their brain to this war. Some of these deaths and injuries are directly due to the negligent - if not cavalier - attitude of the Pentagon and the administration regarding the BASIC safety of our soldiers. Fully armored vehicles would cut down the number of soldiers giving their limbs and parts of their brains to this war. Fully armored vehicles would decrease the number of young men and women being killed by IEDs.
These soldiers are our military families' sons and daughters, husbands and wives, and they are your soldiers, your countrymen and women, and your neighbors. Is it acceptable to you that their safety is not a priority and that they are expendable? Is it acceptable to you that the administration representing you across the world has such a casual attitude about the number of Iraqi citizens who are being killed daily? Is it acceptable to you that the administration is using the argument of providing your soldiers with what they need, when they have a very clear policy of not doing that? Remember, this is YOUR military, your national defense organization. Is Iraq even where you want your military to be? Is this war where you want our national resources to be spent?
The administration is asking for more money when they cannot tell you where billions upon billions went. Their explanation is that there was chaos. Is this acceptable to you?
Every time I hear George Bush talk about his determination to make those tax cuts of his permanent, it makes me so upset. In reality, he is setting up for us this scenario: military families' grandchildren will be part of the population paying for this war.
If these tax cuts are made permanent, it won't be George Bush's or Dick Cheney's grandchildren who will pay for it. It will be your grandchildren and my grandchildren who pay. Yes, my grandchildren, who lost their father in this war, will pay for the war that killed their Dad.
Your brave military is being used and depleted. Your national defense is being squandered. Your countrymen and women are considered expendable, and again it's not a priority to get them what they reasonably need. Your great country is unable to solve this small element of the war situation, even given plenty of money and four grueling years!
Please understand that this administration is unable, for whatever reason, to use money appropriated in a way that will benefit your country, your military, and your democracy.
Please do not allow the administration one additional chance to waste money that we don't even have.
Please do not allow the financial burden for your children and grandchildren to get any bigger.
Please let's not be the kind of society that is unable to learn from past mistakes, and let's not be a complacent society when we have every right to actively participate in building a better future.
Let's be the country that has the courage to stop spending what we don't even have any more. Let's learn from our mistakes and humbly implement corrections of our mistakes. Let us not ask our grandchildren to pay any more for our mishandling of funds and intelligence. And let us not ask children who have already given so much to become financially handicapped by our inability to speak out and stop the insanity.
Why do we ask so much of some and very little from others? Will it always be this way here in America? Are we the land of equality or of non-equality? What are you willing to do?
Please call your representatives in Congress. Let your voice be heard. Please ask them to stop funding this war.
Stephany Kern's son Lance Cpl. Nickolas Schiavoni was killed by an IED on November 15, 2005, in Karmah, Iraq. He remains forever 26 years old. Stephany is a member of Military Families Speak Out.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Flashback - July 5, 2005

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
9/11 Mastermind confesses in Gitmo
9/11 mastermind confesses in Guantanamo
By LOLITA C. BALDOR, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, confessed to that attack and a string of others during a military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a transcript released Wednesday by the
"I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from A to Z," Mohammed said in a statement read during the session, which was held last Saturday.
The transcripts also refer to a claim by Mohammed that he was tortured by the
CIA, although he said he was not under duress when confessed to his role in the attacks.
In a chilling list of attacks — some of which were carried out, some not — Mohammed claimed responsibility for planning, financing and training others for plots ranging from the 1993 truck bombing of the World Trade Center to the attempt by would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid to blow up a trans-Atlantic flight with explosives hidden in his shoes.
He said he was involved in planning the 2002 bombing of a Kenya beach resort frequented by Israelis and the failed missile attack on an Israeli passenger jet after it took off from Mombasa, Kenya. He also said he was responsible for the bombing of a nightclub in Bali, Indonesia. In 2002, 202 were killed when two Bali nightclubs were bombed.
Other plots he said he was responsible for included planned attacks against the Sears Tower in Chicago, the Empire State Building and New York Stock Exchange the Panama Canal and Big Ben and Heathrow Airport in London — none of which occurred.
He also said he was involved in planning assassination attempts against former Presidents Carter and Clinton, attacks on U.S. nuclear power plants and suspension bridges in New York, the destruction of American and Israeli embassies in Asia and Australia, attacks on American naval vessels and oil tankers around the world and an attempt to destroy an oil company he said was owned by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on Sumatra, Indonesia.
In all, Mohammed said he was responsible for planning 28 individual attacks. The comments were included in a 26-page transcript released by the Pentagon, which blacked out some of his remarks.
Mohammed also claimed he was tortured by the CIA after his capture in 2003, according to an exchange he had with the military colonel who heads the three-member panel that heard his case.
"Is any statement that you made, was it because of this treatment, to use your word, you claim torture," the colonel asked. "Do you make any statements because of that?"
Portions of Mohammed's response were deleted from the transcript, and his immediate answer was unclear. He later said his confession read at the hearing to the long list of attacks was given without any pressure, threats or duress.
The colonel said that Mohammed's torture allegations would be "reported for any investigation that may be appropriate" and also would be taken into account in consideration of his enemy combatant status.
The Pentagon also released transcripts of the hearings of Abu Faraj al-Libi and Ramzi Binalshibh, though Binalshibh refused to attend his session.
Binalshibh, a Yemeni, is suspected of helping Mohammed with the Sept. 11, 2001, attack plan and is also linked to a foiled plot to crash aircraft into London's Heathrow Airport. Al-Libi is a Libyan who reportedly masterminded two bombings 11 days apart in Pakistan in December 2003 that targeted President Pervez Musharraf for his support of the U.S.-led war on terror.
The hearings, which began last Friday, are being conducted in secret by the military as it tries to determine whether 14 alleged terrorist leaders should be declared "enemy combatants" who can be held indefinitely and prosecuted by military tribunals.
Hearings for six of the 14 have already been held. The military is not allowing reporters to attend the sessions and is limiting the information it provides about them, arguing that it wants to prevent sensitive information from being disclosed.
The 14 were moved in September from a secret CIA prison network to the prison at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, where about 385 men are being held on suspicion of links to al-Qaida or the Taliban.
Mohammed's confession was read by a member of the U.S. military who is serving as his personal representative. It also claimed he shared responsibility for three other attacks, including assassination attempts against Pope John Paul II and Musharraf.
The transcripts also lay out evidence against Mohammed, saying that a computer seized during his capture included detailed information about the Sept. 11 plot — ranging from names and photos of the hijackers to photos of hijacker Mohammad Atta's pilot's license and even letters from al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.
Al-Libi, who did not attend his hearing, also made a statement through his personal representative largely claiming that the hearing process is unfair and that he will not attend unless it is corrected.
"The detainee is in a lose-lose situation," his statement said.
Binalshibh declined to participate in the process and the hearing was conducted in his absence. Military officials expected some of the 14 suspects not to participate.
Legal experts have criticized the U.S. decision to bar independent observers from the hearings from the high-value targets. The Associated Press filed a letter of protest, arguing that it would be "an unconstitutional mistake to close the proceedings in their entirety."
Mark Denbeaux, a Seton Hall University law professor who represents two Tunisians held at Guantanamo, said that based on the transcripts, Mohammed might be the only detainee who would qualify as an enemy combatant.
"The government has finally brought someone into Gitmo who apparently admits to being someone who could be called an enemy combatant," Denbeaux, a critic of most of the detentions, said in a telephone interview from London. "None of the others rise to this level. The government has now got one."
The military held 558 combatant status review tribunals between July 2004 and March 2005 and the panels concluded that all but 38 detainees were enemy combatants who should be held. Those 38 were eventually released from Guantanamo.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
The Army is ordering injured troops to go to Iraq
Anything to avoid a draft, right, gentlemen? When is this nation going to wise up, rise up, and toss this bum out on his ear?
The Army is ordering injured troops to go to Iraq
At Fort Benning, soldiers who were classified as medically unfit to fight are now being sent to war. Is this an isolated incident or a trend?
By Mark Benjamin
March 11, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ga. -- "This is not right," said Master Sgt. Ronald Jenkins, who has been ordered to Iraq even though he has a spine problem that doctors say would be damaged further by heavy Army protective gear. "This whole thing is about taking care of soldiers," he said angrily. "If you are fit to fight you are fit to fight. If you are not fit to fight, then you are not fit to fight."
As the military scrambles to pour more soldiers into Iraq, a unit of the Army's 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Benning, Ga., is deploying troops with serious injuries and other medical problems, including GIs who doctors have said are medically unfit for battle. Some are too injured to wear their body armor, according to medical records.
List Change - Blues to Views
Opening Set
1. Tell The Truth
2. Key To The Highway
3. Got to Get Better in A Little While
4. Little Wing
5. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad?
Sit Down Set
6. Driftin' Blues (EC Solo)
7. Outside Woman Blues
8. Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out
9. Running On Faith
10. Motherless Children
11. Little Queen of Spades
12. Further On Up The Road
13. Wonderful Tonight
14. Layla
15. Cocaine (with special guest Jimmie Vaughan)
16. Crossroads (with special guests Jimmie Vaughan and Robert Cray)
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Day 6-7 - All Star Smooth Jazz Cruise - March 2-3, 2007
It was the best of days...
It was the worst of nights...
Today, day six, at Cozumel, was going to be our one formal excursion on this cruise: the Isla Pasion Beach Adventure VIP. Such a simple title! And it was actually one of the "simpler" excursions offered. Mostly unfettered beach time. No snorkeling. No multiple sites to visit. No hustling and bustling about. A (decent) lunch was included on this one, and an open bar. Hey! Vamanos! Oralé!
We docked at Cozumel around 8am, on schedule, and our trip was slated for 10am. Plenty of time for a liesurely, yet boring, breakfast on board. Five hours were alloted for this excursion. We'd take about 45 minutes to get to & from our destination and have about three hours for lunch and beachtime on Passion Island, which is just off the northern coast of Cozumel.

I took some time to lay back in the sea bed and drift off. For some reason, I didn't need a pillow.
We did, however, pick up some jewelry at another tent for friends and family.
The lunch they provided was simple but good: BBQ chicken, rice, beans, a really tasty guacamole, a salad, chips & salsa, all sorts of fruits, y muchas cervezas. Most of the excursions didn't offer any lunch at all. Some offered "snacks," which might turn out to be something like one piece of sushi. Yum! NOT!
Unfortunately, our beach time came to an end too soon and we were all herded back to the little boat, back to Cozumel, driven back to the mercado and walked back to the cruiseliner, avoiding all the hawkers in all the shops along the way.
Once back on board the Conquest, we went to the deck where they display all the pictures that they have taken of you on board. There must have been 10,000 pictures on display. Finding your pics is kinda hard, but we found what we thought were all of them. Not bad pictures, actually. Professional quality at reasonable prices: $20 for a 8x11; $15 for a 5x7. We dropped about $80 on them and still felt like it wasn't a bad deal. The pictures were taken from the second "formal" night on board, and we were already dressed up anyway, for dinner. We'd been talking for awhile about getting some new pictures made for the family but had never gotten around to it. Voila!
Once we pushed off from the dock at Cozumel, the fun (read: hell) began. There was a storm in the Gulf of Mexico, and the waves began picking up. The boat began rocking and rolling back and forth, and lurching left and right, plunging down and up. I think I felt every lurch. We had an early dinner at the buffet, thinking that, since the buffet was about in mid-ships, the boat motion would be reduced. The Monet dining room was located at the very rear of the ship, and we assumed (rightly) that the boat would REALLY be felt there. Still, even in mid-ships, we had to hold onto our plates sometimes to keep them from sliding around on the table. Oh, isn't this fun! Better take another dramamine. Fortunately, wifey's motion-sickness patch was working pretty well.
The TV in the cabin said that we were currently in 12-15' seas, and it was really miserable, but the scale on the screen went all the way up to 40' waves. Now, these seas were really bad. I cannot imagine in my most fevered nightmare being on a boat in 40' waves. I have to marvel and cringe at all the sailors over the years who had to endure horrible seas, sometimes for weeks at a time, in much smaller boats. Perhaps I would have gotten used to it, after puking my guts out for days.

As bad as the waves were, neither of us got sick. A little dizzy and nauseous, yes. Sick, no. A couple of fellow cruisers told us that this was nothing. They'd been on cruises where the waves were much worse, and still they did fine.
Today, March 2, was the full moon. I'd been looking forward to this day all week, being a moon-child and all. You know the pictures. You see a couple on a balcony with a full moon over the horizon. Beautiful. Well, the bad weather put the kibosh on seeing the full moon. No moon to be seen at all. And from the balcony, you'd freeze and get soaked by the rain. Lovely.
Somehow, we did sleep ok, but when we awoke on Saturday, the boat was still rocking like mad. All day Saturday. There is no need to compile another post for Saturday. It was a full day at sea, and we were praying to get off of the boat as soon as possible. All day long, rain, wind, high seas, just a nightmare. And no way to get off the boat. Trapped like rats. Wet rats. The 3pm Pool Side jazz concert was canceled.
Next time, we catch a plane to the islands. Rent a car. Go our own speed.
End of story.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
They Walk Among Us
I walked into a Blimbie's with a buy-one-get-one-free coupon for a sandwich. I handed it to the girl and she looked over at a little chalkboard that said "buy one-get one free".
"They're already buy-one-get-one-free", she said, "so I guess they're both free". She handed me my free sandwiches and I walked out the door. They walk among us and many work retail.
A friend of mine bought a new fridge for his house. To get rid of his old fridge, he put it in his front yard and hung a sign on it saying: "Free to good home. You want it, you take it." For three days the fridge sat there without even one person looking twice at it. My friend decided that people were too untrusting of this deal. It looked too good to be true, so he changed the sign to read: "Fridge for sale $50." The next day someone stole it.
One day I was walking down the beach with some friends when one of them shouted, "Look at that dead bird!" Someone looked up at the sky and said, "Where?"
While looking at a house, my brother asked the real estate agent which direction was north because, he explained, he didn't want the sun waking him up every morning. She asked, "Does the sun rise in the north?"When my brother explained that the sun rises in the east, and has for some time, she shook her head and said, "Oh, I don't keep up with that stuff."
I used to work in technical support for a 24/7 call center. One day I got a call from an individual who asked what hours the call center was open. I told him, "The number you dialed is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." He responded, "Is that Eastern or Pacific time? Wanting to end the call quickly, I said, "Uh, Pacific."
My colleague and I were eating our lunch in our cafeteria, when we overheard one of the administrative assistants talking about the sunburn she got on her weekend drive to the shore. She drove down in a convertible, but "didn't think she'd get sunburned because the car was moving."
My sister has a lifesaving tool in her car designed to cut through a seat belt if she gets trapped. She keeps it in the trunk.
I was hanging out with a friend when we saw a woman with a nose ring attached to an earring by a chain. My friend said, "Wouldn't the chain rip out every time she turned her head?" I explained that a person's nose and ear remain the same distance apart no matter which way the head is turned.
I couldn't find my luggage at the airport baggage area, so I went to the lost luggage office and told the woman there that my bags never showed up. She smiled and told me not to worry because she was a trained professional and I was in good hands. "Now," she asked me, "has your plane arrived yet?"
While working at a pizza parlor I observed a man ordering a small pizza to go. He appeared to be alone and the cook asked him if he would like it cut into 4 pieces or 6. He thought about it for some time before responding. "Just cut it into 4 pieces; I don't think I'm hungry enough to eat 6 pieces."
Yep, They Walk Among Us!
Flashback - May 7, 2005
There are only 24 hours in a day, dammit, and many of those are taken up by sleep, and work, and watching TV. Who's got time to read anymore?? There must be a dozen books out there that I want to read; another dozen magazines publishing weekly, or monthly, or bi-monthly that I'd like to keep up with; another dozen or so daily news items sent to me via newsgroups or mailing lists or concerned friends; several online forums that I'd like to contribute to; several newsgroups I'd like to contribute to; several programs each day on TV that are worthy of my attention; hey, don't forget daily exercise; and Yoga; and the dog needs to be walked; what's for dinner?
Monday, March 5, 2007
Fixing the HP printer

I went back to the online help. HP has some pretty elaborate online Help items. They have so many help files, it seems that they REALLY don't want to talk to you in person. I went thru the online memo for a second time on clearing this type of issue on this type of printer, but I still could not fix it.
But, but, but, but, but, during the power-up and power-down cycles that I was going through to try and fix it - I'd had the printer door open during some of this - the carriage would move left and right, clicking and clucking and doing its booty-up dance during the power-up cycle. So...the carriage COULD move. It DID move.
But when I WANTED it to move, by hand, it would NOT. Hmmm...
So...during the next power-up cycle, when the carriage was doing it's booty dance, shakin' left and right, with the printer door open, I peered closely into the machine, where the carriage usually sits when its at rest, on the right, and saw something - not sure what - where the carraige usually sits. As the carriage was over on the left, I un-plugged the machine, and the carriage froze in place, on the left.
While it took me maybe an hour in toto to fix it stretched over a couple of days, I still saved a lot of time and, maybe, money, by resolving it at home. It's not ending world hunger or solving the energy crisis, but it's a good feeling when you can fix some of this on your own. With a little help from the internet, and HP.
The lesson for today is: try to fix things yourself.
Robert Fisk on Democracy Now!

Some snips:
AMY GOODMAN: This latest news in Basra, British-led troops have uncovered an Iraqi government facility where Shia forces were torturing prisoners and producing bomb-making equipment?Geez...
ROBERT FISK: Look, everything's getting better in Basra. That's why we're leaving, right? I mean, here we go again. You know, my colleague Patrick Cockburn wrote a very good piece in Iraq not long ago. He said the problem with British statements, or particularly Blair, who’s saying everything is getting better, is that to prove them wrong, you have to go to places where you will have your throat cut. So you can't prove him wrong, so it’s OK, he'll get away with it.
AMY GOODMAN: What about Seymour Hersh's report, where he says that the Bush administration and Saudi Arabia are pumping money for covert operations in many areas of the Middle East, including Lebanon, Syria and Iran, in an effort to strengthen Saudi-supported Sunni Islam groups and weaken Iranian-backed Shiites. Some of the covert money has been given to jihadist groups in Lebanon with ties to al-Qaeda.and more...
ROBERT FISK: Look, Seymour Hersh said that we were going to invade Iraq, and I thought we wouldn't, and he was right and I was wrong. So when Seymour Hersh says we're going to bombard Iran, I remain silent. When Seymour Hersh tells me -- he was in Beirut, of course; he met Nasrallah there -- that we’re pumping money into Sunni extremist groups, I think, well, hang on a second, he got it right and I got it wrong on Iraq.
Look, the truth of the matter is that these various organizations -- and there are some al-Qaeda-type groups, groupuscules, tiny ones in Lebanon, and I’ve met them -- they don't need money from outside. They've got money. Everyone in Lebanon who’s got weapons has money. It's like the same nonsense: we talk about how the Iranians are teaching the Iraqi Shiite insurgents to make bombs. Iraqi insurgents know how to make bombs. They don't need the Iranians to come and teach them. I don't think a lot of money is reaching these people.
ROBERT FISK: Look, there's no doubt that the Iraqi interior ministry is totally -- I mean, it’s impregnated with the insurgency, Shiite insurgency, Sunni and other parts. You know, from the very beginning, we used to have these reports: men in police uniform have kidnapped Margaret Hassan, men in army uniform besieged a police station, you know? And I used to say, hang on, there's not a Wal-Mart factory in Fallujah with made-to-measure police uniforms. Bring in 300 more men, we’ve got the -- no, these are policemen. These are Iraqi soldiers. The Iraqi security forces have been totally infiltrated by the insurgents of both sides. That includes interior ministry, prisons, police stations. This idea, oh, we’re going to build up the Iraqi forces until they can take over -- you know, I love that line from Blair: from now onwards Iraqis in Basra will write their own history. Yeah, they sure will, when we go. It's incredible the way they get away with it, these people.Hell, get depressed and read it yourself or watch the program at
Eric Clapton in concert

All told, I'd say I had about ten "tingles" during the show, and that's a pretty high number. You know, goosebumps. Gooseflesh. Tingle is my new term. Of course, some tingles may be dependent on your past history: what you like, the music you like, etc. But I've had some tingles from other people I'd never heard of before, especially if they're playing some rocking blues. Exceptional vocals can do it to.

I spotted a couple of Bush references during the concert, even though Eric said next to nothing to the crowd. The first tune, "Tell the Truth," (who's been fooling who?) made me think of Bush, and the third tune, "It's Gotta Get Better in a Little While" (and Bush will soon be out of office.) Ok, I know I'm stretching here.

Band members and set list:
The Band:
Eric Clapton - guitar, vocals
Doyle Bramhall II - guitar
Derek Trucks - guitar
Chris Stainton - keyboards
Tim Carmon - keyboards
Willie Weeks - bass
Steve Jordan - drums
Michelle John - backing vocals
Sharon White - backing vocals
01. Tell The Truth
02. Key To The Highway
03. Got to Get Better in A Little While
04. Little Wing
05. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad?
Sit Down Set
06. Driftin' Blues (EC Solo)
07. Outside Woman Blues
08. Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out
09. Running On Faith
Stand up Electric
10. Motherless Children
11. Little Queen of Spades
12. Further On Up The Road
13. Wonderful Tonight
14. Layla
15. Cocaine (with special guest Jimmie Vaughan)
16. Crossroads (with special guests Jimmie Vaughan and Robert Cray)
Somewhere, sometime must have told Eric that he could sing. Uh, not really. At the risk of being crass, I wish Eric would hire some blues singers so that Eric could just simply play. I'm reminded of the Dixie Chicks, only, in this instance, "shut up and play!" But hey, Eric has been at this for 40+ years, so if he wants to sing, what are ya gonna do? But seriously, I don't go to Eric Clapton concerts to hear him sing.
A funny thing I noticed at the concert. There was not one single black person in the crowd, even though about half of Eric's band is black. Even stranger, I didn't see one single person easily identified as Hispanic, and this was San Antonio! I guess Eric is strictly white-boy blues. I'm writing a song for Eric. It goes something like this...
"Lord, have I ever got the blues.
I got the green, but I still got the blues.
I got everything I need, but I still got the blues...."
It's a work in progress....
Sunday, March 4, 2007
List Change - Quotable Quotes
1) When I die, I want to die like my grandfather--who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car."
--Author Unknown
2) Advice for the day: If you have a lot of tension and you get a headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle: "Take two" and "Keep away from children."
--Author Unknown
3) "Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's calledEVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar."
--Drew Carey
4) "The problem with the designated driver program, it's not a desirable job, but if you ever get sucked into doing it, have fun with it. At the end of the night, drop them off at the wrong house."
--Jeff Foxworthy
5) "If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there is a man on base."
--Dave Barry
6) "Relationships are hard. It's like a full time job, and we should treat it like one. If your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to leave you, they should give you two weeks' notice. There should be severance pay, and the day before they leave you, they should have to find you a temp."
--Bob Ettinger
7) "My Mom said she learned how to swim when her parents took her out in the lake and threw her off the boat. I said, 'Mom, they weren't trying to teach you how to swim.'"
--Paula Poundstone
8) "A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men. I just want to say to the authors of that study: "Duh."
--Conan O'Brien
9) "Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant?? I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh my God.... I could be eating a slow learner."
--Lynda Montgomery
10) "I think I know how Chicago got started. Bunch of people in New York said, 'Gee, I'm enjoying the crime and the poverty, but it just isn't cold enough. Let's go west.'"
--Richard Jeni
11) "If life were fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead."
--Johnny Carson
12) "Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography."
--Paul Rodriguez
13) "My parents didn't want to move to Florida, but they turned sixty and that's the law."
--Jerry Seinfeld
14) "Remember in elementary school, you were told that in case of fire you have to line up quietly in a single file line from smallest to tallest. What is the logic in that? What, do tall people burn slower?"
--Warren Hutcherson
15) "Bigamy is having one wife/husband too many. Monogamy is the same."
--Oscar Wilde
16) "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
--Mark Twain
17) "Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student! At least they can find Afghanistan."
--A. Whitney Brown
18) "You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, 'My God, you're right! I never would've thought of that!'"
--Dave Barry
19) Do you know why they call it "PMS"? Because "Mad Cow Disease" was taken.
--Unknown, presumed deceased
20) "Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer."
-- W. C. Fields