Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself.
-old Apache saying
Latimer Transplant Day
Not that I really believe in the power of such things, but there is a candlelight vigil for Andrew Latimer, the lead guitarist for the British band Camel today at 10am CST. In 1992, Andrew was diagnosed with a progressive blood disorder called polycythaemia vera, which has since progressed to myelofibrosis. Candlelight vigils aside, this is a very mysterious life we lead on this gorgeous planet of ours, so you just never know....Camel, and Andrew's beautiful guitar playing, were formative for me in my "youth." Below is a note from Susan Hoover, Andrew's wife, about his condition. I wish him all the best and hope that he can once again get back on stage and send chills down your spine, like he did for me. (Or maybe it was just the drugs??) Check out some of Camel's music in the video box on the right side of this blog. (That is, if the net cooperates. Posting pictures isn't working right now either.)
Andrew's Health TRANSPLANT DAY!
Andrew is progressing very well. Thus far, he has tolerated the treatment exceptionally well, but we still take it one day at a time. So far, he has not suffered any serious side effects and his spirits are positive and strong. Today is transplant day...
Many of you have written to us encouraging us to hold an Hour Candle vigil for Andrew and we were thinking the very same thing.
If you are able, please light a candle for Andrew, today, 21st November, at 1600hrs GMT. That is when Andrew will receive his bone marrow transplant. Spend an hour 'with' him, thinking of him in your way, perhaps listening to your favourite Camel album or spending time with loved ones to celebrate the good things in life. I have seen the strength Andrew has derived from the love and support he has received from family, friends, and the kind words of support so many of you have sent. That
support has strengthened not only his physical, mental and emotional state, but it has strengthened his resolve to get well and get back on stage. So please light an Hour Candle for him today. If you don't get this until after the transplant hour, light a candle for him anyway, whenever you can. Light that candle and send the strength of your feelings to him at any time.
Thank you for your energy, your good wishes, prayers, thoughts, candles, messages, and for your love of this wonderful man who has much yet to give in return.
Until our next newsletter, I send you all our Fondest Regards,
Susan Hoover
Camel Productions
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