We tossed in several leaves of Swiss chard for good measure. The color on that plant is just amazing.
We even took five green beans (FIVE!) off of our two Blue Lake plants and they were REALLY sweet and delicious! This growing your own food thing is pretty cool. Especially when they're tasty.
Our Mesclun mix is ready to give us a decent salad, perhaps tomorrow. (It's much bigger than this pic taken a few days ago.
And what is that odd-looking thing below? Why, it's a cucumber! A mere fetus of a cucumber, perhaps, but there are about ten more of these on our three cucumber plants.
And then there are the flowers.... The nasturtiums are finally blooming, and it's a neon orange. I think that some of these pictures are not all that accurate in color. Think I'll have to look into that.
You just can't kill the mums....
As long as I'm talking blooms....the neighbors have about one billion jasmine flowers blooming right now, and the fragrance is just wafting over the entire neighborhood. We were thinking about planting some too, but, hey, why bother?
Our iris's by the front door are continuing to bloom and bloom and bloom...
The nicotiana is threatening to burst forth any day now. I just learned that every part of this plant is poisonous. You'd think that the people who sold us the seeds might have told us about that, but no....
The recently-planted plumbago is already flowering a gorgeous blue flower, but the wind has prevented good pictures of it...today the whole end of the plant is covered in blue, but my camera is low in juice!
On our recent trip to Arkansas to visit my folks, the dogwood trees were in full bloom. Just beautiful...
Ma'am, your Bridal Bouquet is ready...
My father made us take home a few plants. He gave us a large clump of ajuga, which we have since learned is a fast-growing, invasive groundcover. We put some in the front yard and a couple up on the roof.
Pansies, pansies, pansies everywhere...
We also recently planted a gardenia shrub...
and camellia shrub in the front yard....
I dug up a 3 foot x 7 foot patch of grass and turned it into a garden. The gardenia, camellia, the four-nerve daisy....
...and some mums are in the ground there. Oh, and a few ajuga, which we will have to keep an eye on. That's 21 sq ft dug up. I plan on ripping up ALL the grass in the front yard and replacing it with plants and mulch and rocks and plants and mulch, etc. Now, only about 150 sq ft more to go!
Politics? What's that??
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