....or you might call it the military-corporate complex. Either way, our U.S. military machine is way out of control. We didn't listen to Dwight Eisenhower.
Yes, I heard several of those speeches that Barack Obama made, with all those "CHANGE" signs waving all around him. Change the political atmosphere. Change the dynamic. Change from despair to hope. Change from Bush, at the least.

In the 1990's, after the fall of the Soviet Union and the Iron Curtain, it seemed like we might finally have a chance to reduce the appetite of our military. The so-called "peace dividend" seemed within our grasp.

It is no surprise to see John McCain out there pitching to increase our military budget and the size of our military. He's military through and through. More. More. More.
It was disappointing to hear Obama recently say that, "given the depletion of our forces after the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we will probably need a somewhat higher budget in the intermediate future just to restore readiness and replace equipment." How measured. We would not need to spend ANY more if we would just cut some of the outrageously expensive military hardware that many in and out of the military say we do not even need. Obama wants to add 65,000 troops and 27,000 more Marines. Why? To fight terrorism.

Cutting the military will be difficult. The shrieks from the freaks on the right will be shrill indeed. But Barack has built up quite the expectation. Shrinking the military is fundamental to reclaiming our democracy. If we don't, it's just going to suck the life out of most everything else.
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