Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rush and hate speech

It's always refreshing to hear someone speak truth. It's a rarity. There's something really weird about the truth. It can be really powerful. Not that it will be, in this case, but it's nice to hear someone besides the "usual suspects" take Rush Limbaugh to task for his awful talk show bile.

Still, it's rather distressing, and it says nothing good about America, to know that Rush makes $80 million a year spewing filth and is the "most popular" talk radio voice out there. $80 million! For that garbage! What a country!

Freed Pirate Hostage Accuses Limbaugh of 'Hate Speech'

Shane Murphy Returns to Seekonk Home

Shane Murphy, the second-in-command aboard the American merchant ship seized by pirates, lashed out at Rush Limbaugh for the talk show host's racial characterization in discussing the rescue of the ship's captain by the Navy.

Murphy, who returned to his Seekonk, Mass., home Friday, called Limbaugh a purveyor of "hate speech."

In commenting on the rescue of Capt. Richard Phillips by the Navy Seals who shot and killed the three Somali pirates who were holding him captive, Limbaugh generated controversy when he called the pirates "black teenagers."

"There you have it, three teenagers shot on the high seas at the order of President Obama," said Limbaugh according to a transcript of an April 14 broadcast on his Web site.

"Just imagine the hue and cry had a Republican president ordered the shooting of black teenagers on the high seas," Limbaugh said.

Murphy said Limbaugh's remarks were unacceptable.

"It feels great to be home," Murphy said. "With the exception of Rush Limbaugh who is trying to make this into a race issue. It's disgusting."

"The president did the right thing. It's a war. It's about good versus evil. And what you (Limbaugh) said is evil, that is hate speech. I won't tolerate it," Murphy said.
SCHMIDT/AFP/Getty Images

Murphy said he and his family have had a difficult time since his release and return to the United States. The intense public attention on the rescue of the crew of the Maersk Alabama has made adjustment to a normal family life difficult, he said.

"We have not been left alone. We have not been allowed to go out and even do routine things," Murphy said.

Murphy, who took command of the ship after Phillips was taken hostage, said he and his family are trying to get through it all.

Original is here. Or was, at least.

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