Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself.
-old Apache saying
119 rounds of golf?!
In a year? That's over two rounds per week!
Republican Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) played 119 rounds of golf last year. 119!! That's around 3-5 hours per round. How can he find time to actually do his job? This is perfectly emblematic of the Republicans as a whole: hobnobbing with the upper crust on the golf courses while the people are suffering, and insisting on more tax cuts for the wealthy while cutting unemployment compensation for the unemployed. Ed Schultz recently highlighted this story on his show. Watch it by clicking here. If you are a Democrat, you will LOVE it. If you are a Republican making less than $250K/year, WTF is wrong with you?! Boehner is ripe for the picking in Ohio's 8th.
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