Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More important than ever

Even if Obama does happen to betray Democratic ideals at damn near every opportunity, Media Matters for America is doing excellent work at keeping an eye, and a truth detector, trained on Fox News. It's just a little bit shocking that we have an entire network (Fox) devoted to tearing down one side at any cost. I mean, I'm all for free speech, but Fox is getting ridiculous. Fox is letting Glenn Beck get away with ... murder.

Dear Friend,

Glenn Beck and his chalkboard have managed to accomplish a lot in the past year.

Unfortunately, those achievements amount to a steady record of indoctrinating his audiences with viciously violent and fear-mongering diatribes. Media Matters for America has consistently pushed back with around-the-clock correction of his outrageous conspiracy theories and blatant lies.

In the coming year, we need to push even harder.

Will you help fight violent rhetoric and fear-mongering with a tax-deductible contribution to Media Matters for America?

Over the past year, Glenn Beck's rhetoric has risen to new, extreme heights. His rap sheet of violent rhetoric and fear-mongering includes:

  • Asserting that "violence will come. And violence will come from the left. Violence is part of the plan." He accused the Left of "setting up another Oklahoma City" and claimed that progressives support "armed insurrection."
  • Claiming that "We are headed towards a thugocracy." Glenn Beck has likened the Obama administration and progressives to Mussolini, Stalin, Nazis, Al Qaeda, and vampires. He insists that a cabal of radicals who hate the country is operating out of the White House.
  • Equating unions for TSA employees to a "private army" for Obama. Beck also said unions have "raped" police and fire fighters, and that violence is a "self-fulfilling prophecy" of labor unions.
  • Describing progressive policies as murderous, apocalyptic and conspiratorial. Beck called a proposed food safety bill a "perfect storm" that was about "control and eventually starvation." He called net neutrality a "hostile takeover" and said health care reform amounted to "pulling the plug" on seniors.

Day after day, Beck irresponsibly describes individuals and organizations as threats to America -- painting a target on their back.

We need your help to combat Glenn Beck's emotionally manipulative and hateful stage act. His aggressive rhetoric has come too close to creating real, serious consequences.

This past year, Beck devoted significant airtime to vilifying the progressive Tides Foundation, tying the relatively obscure nonprofit organization to money laundering, the indoctrination of children, and the Weather Underground.

Enter Byron Williams. After engaging California Highway Patrol officers in a 12-minute shootout in July, Williams revealed he was attempting to "start a revolution by traveling to San Francisco and killing people of importance at the Tides Foundation and the ACLU." It was of little surprise that he also referred to Glenn Beck as his "schoolteacher":

"Beck would never say anything about a conspiracy, would never advocate violence. He'll never do anything ... of this nature. But he'll give you every ounce of evidence that you could possibly need."

Despite Tides CEO Drummond Pike's pleas to Fox News to hold Beck accountable for his unhinged hate speech, Beck continued his Tides demonization and Fox News did nothing. Fox News contributor Sarah Palin responded by announcing: "I stand with you, Glenn."

There is no end in sight for Beck's baseless and paranoid vitriol, despite the dangerous consequences that have already resulted from it. Fox openly supports Beck's hateful and violent rhetoric, and that's why we to fully prepare for an intense upcoming year.

Will you help fight violent rhetoric and fear-mongering with a tax-deductible contribution to Media Matters for America?

We are extremely grateful for your past support as we continue the fight in 2011 and beyond.

David Brock
Founder and CEO
Media Matters for America

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