Jacksonville, Florida is experiencing a budget shortfall. Not unusual these days in the U.S. Unfortunately, one thing municipalities find easy to do is cut back on services like libraries. Indeed, Jacksonville is going to close six libraries, saving under $3 million in the process.
However, the city of Jacksonville is going to spend $36 MILLION on improvements to the Jacksonville Jaguars football stadium, in part on two scoreboards which will be "the largest of their kind in the world."

Get it?
So many in America have their priorities totally fucked up.
Close libraries used by large numbers of the, shall we say, less privileged members of society, and burn money on those that already have much more than they need. Sounds like conservatives are firmly in control in Jacksonville, Florida.
All I can do is shake my head at crap like this. I hope the citizens of Jacksonville pitch a fit about it, but, knowing how "important" the sport of football is in this country, I'm skeptical. (Does it matter that the Jacksonville Jaguars are one of the worst teams in the NFL? Apparently not.)
Jax residents trying to save local libraries
Go here.
EverBank Field getting $63M improvements
Go here.
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