As one of my heroes, Neil DeGrasse Tyson puts it...
This Month in StarDate Magazine

Stargazing Summary
With summer blazing across the northern hemisphere, the season's well-known celestial markers blaze low across the southern sky. Scorpius stands low in the south as night falls, marked by its bright orange "heart," the star Antares. Sagittarius follows it across with the sky. Its brightest stars form the outline of a teapot. And the three points of the Summer Triangle pose high in the east at nightfall and climb across the crown of the sky later on.
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Radio Program Highlights
If you want to start hearing the StarDate program in your area, you can request a station to carry our program by emailing the request to
July 3-9: Zapped! A star in the scorpion is zapping a companion with a powerful particle beam. And a star in the wolf is getting ready to zap everything around it when it blows up. Join us for these powerful stars and much more.
July 10-16: The Scorpion. From its three-star head to its two-star stinger, Scorpius is one of the brightest denizens of summer's evening skies. And we'll tell you all about it, including why so many of its stars are so bright. Join us for the scorpion and more.
The second half of July had not been recorded when this email was sent. Check the program schedulefor the latest updates.
Hear StarDate every day on about 400 radio stations in the United States. Find an affiliate »
July 3-9: Zapped! A star in the scorpion is zapping a companion with a powerful particle beam. And a star in the wolf is getting ready to zap everything around it when it blows up. Join us for these powerful stars and much more.
July 10-16: The Scorpion. From its three-star head to its two-star stinger, Scorpius is one of the brightest denizens of summer's evening skies. And we'll tell you all about it, including why so many of its stars are so bright. Join us for the scorpion and more.
The second half of July had not been recorded when this email was sent. Check the program schedulefor the latest updates.
Hear StarDate every day on about 400 radio stations in the United States. Find an affiliate »
News from the Observatory
Astronomers Prove What Separates True Stars from Wannabes
Astronomer Trent Dupuy of The University of Texas at Austin has shown what separates true stars from wannabes. Not in Hollywood, but in the whole universe. He presented his research recently in a news conference at the semi-annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Austin.
Astronomer Trent Dupuy of The University of Texas at Austin has shown what separates true stars from wannabes. Not in Hollywood, but in the whole universe. He presented his research recently in a news conference at the semi-annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Austin.
About SkyTips
SkyTips is a monthly email newsletter for visitors to McDonald Observatory and StarDate Online. Each issue features stargazing highlights, upcoming StarDate radio program descriptions, and other news. Please feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends and family.
SkyTips is a publication of the University of Texas McDonald Observatory Education and Outreach Office, 2515 Speedway C1402, Austin, TX 78712. Reproduction of SkyTips content is permitted with proper credit given to McDonald Observatory.
SkyTips is a publication of the University of Texas McDonald Observatory Education and Outreach Office, 2515 Speedway C1402, Austin, TX 78712. Reproduction of SkyTips content is permitted with proper credit given to McDonald Observatory.
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