Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Die children!

By doing nothing to stop or even just reduce the number of kids who die in this country because of gun violence, the entire Republican Party is an accessory to slaughter. 

Republicans Don't Fucking Care About Your Children Dying
Rude Pundit

It's pretty fucking simple: If you won't do anything at all about the number one cause of deaths in children and teenagers in this stupid country, you don't get to say you care about children. It really is that easy. No matter what policies you support, good or shitty, you are a fucking fraud if you won't step up on the number of and easy access to firearms, especially high-powered weapons with large magazines. If your house is on fire but you're ignoring that because you want to spackle a hole in the wall, then your minor repair is worthless. That wall's gonna burn, too.

After another shooting at another school, this time in Nashville, with 3 kids and 3 adults murdered by a shooter who had bought their guns legally, Republicans practically lined up to tell parents everywhere that they don't fucking care if your children die. Senator John Cornyn from Texas, who was a Republican co-sponsor of the mild gun legislation that was signed into law in 2022, said, "I would say we’ve gone about as far as we can go" on any additional gun control laws. Profiles in chickenshit.

Then there was the kind of motherfuckering that you only expect from a motherfucker who thinks he can fuck mothers with abandon and still get reelected. Rep. Tim Burchett from east Tennessee (so not Nashville) actually said, "We're not gonna fix it. Criminals are going to be criminals."And when asked to clarify, he actually doubled down, saying, If you think Washington is going to fix this problem, you’re wrong. They’re not going to fix this problem. They are the problem." Prior to admitting that he won't do shit to prevent your children from dying, he actually said, "We need a real revival in this country. Let’s call on our Christian ministers and our people of faith." And whenever one of these nutzoid Jesus humpers talk about faith being the solution to gun crimes, someone needs to remind them of how many fucking houses of worship have been the sites of gun massacres. Were the people there not faithful enough?

But what Burchett, who looks like what you get if a neo-Nazi incel fucked a Confederate general statue, said is revealing: Guns are more important than your children's blood. Guns are more important than feeling safe sending your kids to school. And no matter how many kids die, we Republicans aren't gonna lift a goddamn finger to do something about the number one cause of childhood death.

Oh, except two things. 

First, they're gonna pass more pro-gun laws in places like, well, looky fuckin' here, Tennessee. Yeah, the General Assembly is well on its way to lowering the age to carry a gun to 18. It's also gonna legalize open carry, although there is actually a debate on whether or not to allow you to open-carry an AR-15, which, these days, almost counts as moderate. All over, apathetic assholes are passing "constitutional carry" laws, which allows for concealed carry of a firearm without a permit. So, in other words, I could walk past the governor of one of those states while holding a gun, and no one can do shit about it. But if I threaten the governor with my words, I can be arrested. Which amendment is first again? (Note: I'm cool with limiting speech when it comes to threats, even though the First Amendment doesn't require shit to be "well-regulated.")

The idea that more guns will solve the gun problem - whether it's a gun-purchasing free-for-all or arming teachers - is madness and should be treated like it's madness. If you take a Christmas photo with your family holding rifles, it's madness and should be treated like it's madness. If you own seven guns, like the Nashville shooter did, or more, as lots of Americans do, it's madness and should be treated as madness.  We are far too fucking polite with the gun worshippers. They're fucking crazy. Just because something is allowed doesn't mean that you can't do it to an insane extent. If you go to an all-you-can-eat buffet and keep stuffing your face until you vomit, no one's going to say, "Well, look at the sign." They're gonna tell you to stop eating, you dumb fuck.

The other thing that right-wing fucknuts are doing is blaming trans people in general because the shooter was apparently a trans man. We don't know a single motive, but it's sure as fuck easier to blame everything else except, you know, the actual weapons. Fox "news" and all of Murdochia is losing its shit over the idea that a trans person could commit mass murder, as if nearly every other mass shooting wasn't committed by a cis white male. 

Anything, anything, anything except to accept blame for all the blood spilled, all the dead children, all the schools ruined. "Oh, I care about the children," you might say, you oh-so-fucking-brave-Republican, "but I want to stop child trafficking. I don't want doctors to mutilate children in the name of gender madness. See how much I care?" Except your solution to child trafficking is to not do anything to actually stop it except to attack people who aren't involved in it, like drag queens. And doctors aren't mutilating kids. They're providing gender-affirming care that actually saves lives. 

No matter what, you're still not doing a thing about, again, the number one killer of kids. And if you're not going to do it, if you're going to pretend it's unsolvable despite the fact that nearly every single other country has solved it, if you're going to walk away from any responsibility, then have the decency to get the fuck out of the way and let others handle it. Otherwise, you're an accessory to slaughter.


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