Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Good News?

Sometimes it's hard to find good news. Sometimes all you have to do is tune in to Simon Rosenberg and his Hopium Chronicles.

Lots of Good News Of Late - A reminder of what we’ve learned in the last few weeks: 

Winning Virginia - While the early vote in Virginia is getting more Democratic every day, we are still not where we want to be and need to keep pushing. Hope will you donate to or volunteer for one of the six swing, too-close-to-call races we’ve gotten behind here, or keep working with whatever program you are working with already. We need to have a big weekend this weekend to have the election we all want to have in November. I will be canvassing on Saturday - weather is looking good! Thanks to all of you who have donated, volunteered - been so inspiring to see all the ways people are helping out in Virginia! We are now over $100,000 raised for our six candidates! 

If you want to do a live check-in on Virginia today, Tom Bonier and I will be joining our friends at Network NOVA for their weekly Power Lunch at Noon EST.  RSVP here!

John Kirby On Israel-Gaza - For all of us trying to make sense of this terrible moment in the Middle East, I pass along an instructive video and partial transcript of White House National Security Spokesperson John Kirby’s answer to a question yesterday from a Brazilian reporter from the briefing room: 

TV Globo’s @RKrahenbuhl: “So, besides saying that he doesn't have confidence in these numbers, the President went further to say that innocents will die and that this is the price of the war. You also said that.” Kirby: “I have indeed.” Krähenbühl: “Don't you think this is insensitive? There’s being very harsh criticism in about it. For example, the Council of American-Islamic Relations said it was deeply disturbed and call on the President to apologize. Would the President apologize?” 

Kirby: “No.”

Krähenbühl: “And does he regret saying something like that?” 

Kirby: “What’s harsh — what’s harsh is the way Hamas is using people as human shields. What’s harsh is taking a couple of hundred hostages and leaving families and anxious, waiting and worrying to figure out where their loved ones are. What's harsh, is dropping in on a music festival and slaughtering a bunch of young people just trying to enjoy an afternoon. I could go on and on. That's what's harsh. That is what's harsh and being honest about the fact that there have been civilian casualties and that there likely will be more is being honest, because that's what war is. It's brutal. It's ugly. It's messy. I've said that before. President also said that yesterday. Doesn't mean we have to like it. And it doesn't mean that we're dismissing anyone of those casualties each and every one is a tragedy in its own right...It would be helpful if Hamas would let [Gazans] leave....We know that there are thousands waiting to leave Gaza writ large and Hamas is preventing them from doing it. That is what is harsh.”

The New Speaker - So yesterday I shared an op-ed our new Speaker published some years back decrying the Supreme Court’s decision to outlaw anti-sodomy laws in the United States. So it was a bit surprising to hear the new Speaker claim in an interview he recorded yesterday (clip below, with Hannity of course) that as a “rule of law” conservative he abides by the Court’s decisions once they are made. Not what he did in that op-ed yesterday, of course, and not what he did in his decades long challenge of Roe. It’s perhaps a small lie but to me a significant one for he is so clearly and shockingly full of shit here that we should anticipate many more lies, about things that really matter, in the days ahead. Watch the video for it also contains this all time classic: 

“Someone asked me today in the media, ‘People are curious, what does Mike Johnson think about any issue?’ I said, ‘Well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it. That’s my worldview.”

Unprecedented GOP Betrayal Continues - So in a time of dramatic and escalating tension around the world, the Republicans continue to:

Keep working hard all. We have a lot of work to do - Simon


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