Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Saturday, November 18, 2023

This Week in Stupid

Jeff Tiedrich has picked up his foul-mouthed game even further and now publishes a weekly "This Week in Stupid," reviewing the myriad of stupid shit that these GOP regressive semi-traitors pull each week. Don't know how long Jeff can keep up this pace. If Trump gets re-elected in some stupid and unimaginable way, Jeff would be high on the ShitList. 

Jeff's latest edition is here, and there is a sample below.

this week in stupid: November 18 edition

NOV 18, 2023

sunday: keep on fucking that chicken, Ronna

hey, remember a couple of weeks ago, when Republicans ran on a platform of forced birth and got totally fucking slaughtered at the ballot box? that was pretty fun, right?

it really does take a special kind of stupid to be on the wrong end of that electoral drubbing and conclude that we need to be forcing birth harder.

Republicans were all over the Sunday shows this past week, talking about how they can absolutely win by shouting even louder about how much they want to take away women’s rights.


here’s Ronna McDaniel on Meet the Press

“I’m proud to be a pro-life party. we can win on this message. the American people are where we are, and they want common sense limitations, they want more access to adoption, we want to make sure that there are pregnancy crisis centers. these are things we can win on. but we have to talk about it, and you can’t hide in a corner and think that abortion’s not going to be an issue.”

a personal plea to every Republican who refuses to stop fucking this particular chicken: yes, keep right on at it. never stop. 

enjoy getting reamed at the polls next year.


tuesday: your tax dollars at work

we have a lot of problems in our country. climate collapse. pandemic. creeping authoritarianism. Elon Fucking Musk.

but you know what isn’t a problem? the salary of the Assistant for Mine Safety and Health Administration.

yet, our Republican House of Representatives is wasting everyone’s time on vote after vote to reduce the salaries of various Biden Administration staffers to $1.

you know who’s the instigator of this, don’t you? good old Congresswoman Sporkfoot (Marjorie Taylor Green).

why is she doing this? because fuck you, that’s why. in your face, Brandon. that’ll teach you … something.


friday: another masterful gambit, sir

imagine you’ve driven half the major advertisers off your failing app by being a raging antisemite. what do you do for an encore?

if you’re the SmArTeSt GeNiUs iN tHe GaLaXy, I guess you drive away the other half by calling them “the greatest oppressors of your right to free speech.” 

excellent work, Space Nazi.


saturday: ?

hey, it’s still morning as I sit here writing this. but give it time, I guarantee you that some dipshit wingnut is going to do something stupid before the day is over. you can set your watch to it.

have a non-stupid weekend, everyone.


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