Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Friday, April 26, 2024

Cheech Marin

I am on a newsletter put out by Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong fame. Every now and then Cheech takes over and sits in for Tommy. It's informative and entertaining, and it's cool to remember stuff from way back when.  

Hey Russ - it's Cheech,
So, here's the deal.
Tommy's been going non-stop with all this 4/20 madness over the last few weeks - the sale, the comedy show, the endless emails... I think the poor guy's fingers are about to fall off from all that typing!
So, I figured I'd step in and give him a little break (hope you don't mind).
Plus, the Rock Stars down at HQ have been forwarding me all kinds of emails and burning questions (pun definitely intended) from you cousins after my last couple of emails.
So I thought today, I'd go through and answer a handful of them.
Without further ado...
Cheech, I'd like to know more about your art collection. Maybe some pictures?
Paula S, Bemidji, MN
Hey Paula, thanks for asking about my art collection! It's definitely one of my passions. I've been collecting Chicano art for decades now, and I've got pieces from some really incredible artists at the Cheech Marin Center in Riverside, CA. If you're ever in the area, you should stop by!
Hmm. The message seems to be from Cheech but it’s coming from Tommy’s email. Oh well. They’re partners and I’m sure they’ve shared a lot of things over the years. 

Speaking of years, man Cheech, I’ve been a fan of your work for a long time. I think I became a fan because you reminded me of so many of my neighbors where I used to live in Wilmington, California. 

You used to make me lol, now you make me smile and giggle. It’s all good man. Like a song from the day used to say, “Make me smile”.
Marty W, Waco TX
Marty, here's a sneak peek into what it's like to work with Tommy on these emails, man:

Hey Steve - it's Cheech,
So, here's the deal.
Tommy's been going non-stop with all this 4/20 madness over the last few weeks - the sale, the comedy show, the endless emails... I think the poor guy's fingers are about to fall off from all that typing!
So, I figured I'd step in and give him a little break (hope you don't mind).
Plus, the Rock Stars down at HQ have been forwarding me all kinds of emails and burning questions (pun definitely intended) from you cousins after my last couple of emails.
So I thought today, I'd go through and answer a handful of them.
Without further ado...
Cheech, I'd like to know more about your art collection. Maybe some pictures?
Paula S, Bemidji, MN
Hey Paula, thanks for asking about my art collection! It's definitely one of my passions. I've been collecting Chicano art for decades now, and I've got pieces from some really incredible artists at the Cheech Marin Center in Riverside, CA. If you're ever in the area, you should stop by!
Hmm. The message seems to be from Cheech but it’s coming from Tommy’s email. Oh well. They’re partners and I’m sure they’ve shared a lot of things over the years. 

Speaking of years, man Cheech, I’ve been a fan of your work for a long time. I think I became a fan because you reminded me of so many of my neighbors where I used to live in Wilmington, California. 

You used to make me lol, now you make me smile and giggle. It’s all good man. Like a song from the day used to say, “Make me smile”.
Marty W, Waco TX
Marty, here's a sneak peek into what it's like to work with Tommy on these emails, man:
And Wilmington, huh? Right on! If I remind you of your old neighbors, then those must have been some pretty cool cats. Glad to know we've been making you laugh for all these years, amigo.
I never dreamed in 1974 that I would get emails from Cheech and Chong
Thanks for the laughs
And thanks for the gummies
Pamela F, Easley SC
Pamela, believe me, in 1974 I never dreamed I'd be sending emails to anyone (especially at my age)! But here we are, living in the future. Isn't it something?
Hi this is Kimberly D and I was so happy to hear from you 💗. I hope you are doing well ,I have watched all of your movies 🎬 that you all are in and I love them all, and I love the cruise chews, but the last time I ordered the Kosmic cruise chews and they don't taste as good as the cruise chews but I still eat them . 

But I ordered cruise chews again so I am all set, so thank you for sharing your experiences with me I love you ❤️ both.
Kimberly D, Ohio
Kimberly, I love to hear you've enjoyed all our movies. And hey, I feel you on the Kosmic Chews. They're definitely an acquired taste (to put it mildly). But that's what's great about having options, right? Stick with what works for you, and leave the Kosmics to folks like Tommy (they're too much for me too).
Hey Cheech, How'd you get so informed to make that hit on Jeopardy?---an inspiration for cool people.
Jess S, San Jose, CA
Jess, what can I say? I'm a man of many talents (and many, many hours spent watching Jeopardy). Nah, but seriously, I've just always been curious about the world, you know? Always trying to learn new things.
But between you and me, the real trick is finger speed. Most players know the right answer to most questions (even Anderson Cooper) but if you don’t time your buzzer finger right you’re out of the game before you start.
Too quick and you actually get locked out from answering. Too late, and well, Cheech Marin is answering your question…
Oh, and remember that little debate I was having with Tommy about our best movie or bit?
Well, turns out a lot of you had some strong opinions on that too.
Here are a couple of your thoughts:
Hi Cheech,
All of your movies are my favorite, but I really like the Corsican Brothers because it was unique, and i just like that time period. 
Sheila W, Georgia
The Corsican Brothers, huh? I gotta say, that one was a blast to make. Tommy insisted on filming the whole thing on location in Paris… made the production more expensive which didn’t make the studio happy but what else is new?
On the upside, when we were done filming for the day, we were in Paris..
Hey Cheech, that’s a tough one. So many great bits. I’ve been watching and rewatching your movies for years. I’m almost as old as Uncle Tommy(85 this year) but anyway I think that Up in smoke and nice dreams are the two best movies. 
My favorite bit from up in smoke is when you say “ I think we’re parked”… In nice dreams I thought the part where you are scooting around the floor in a straight jacket yelling “my ballsitch” was hilarious. Tommy has some great lines in both movies but those two are my favorites.
Rich W, Yakima, WA
Rich, hard to argue with that... Up in Smoke and Nice Dreams are definitely two of our most iconic flicks. And those bits you mentioned? Classic Cheech & Chong, man. "I think we're parked" still cracks me up to this day. And the straight jacket scene... man, I still get itchy just thinking about it.
It's the dogs chasing tail for me.
Mike M, Las Cruces, NM
Ah yes, the old "dog chasing its tail" bit. A perfect metaphor for so many things in life, don't you think? Simple, yet profound.
I did love Nice Dreams but I have to agree with Tommy. I’ll never forget being a young man and watching Up In Smoke at the theater with a date and thinking this was the best movie I ever saw. I’ve seen them all and they are all great but Up In Smoke brings back the memories.. just my opinion. 
Mark H, Dallas TX
I hear you, man. Up in Smoke is special. It was our first big movie, and it really set the tone for everything that came after.
Hey Cheech,
Aaron from Oceanside, CA here. You guys have so many funny bits and all of the movies made me laugh. It’s really hard to say which one is the best. One of your bits that still cracks me up every time I hear it, though, is Let’s Make a Dope Deal. Takes me back to my teenage years when my buddies and I would burn one and listen to Greatest Hit. 
Best wishes to you and Uncle Tommy!
Aaron B, Oceanside CA
Let's Make a Dope Deal, huh Aaron? Oh man, that one's a classic. I still get a kick out of it myself.
I gotta say, you guys have some excellent taste. I mean, I'm not surprised - you are part of the Cheech & Chong familia, after all. But it's still nice to see our work so appreciated, even after all these years.
Well, that's about all I've got for now. But if you have any other questions, I'm told you can just reply to this email and the Rock Stars at the office will pass it on to me!
Until next time,
Be good,
And Wilmington, huh? Right on! If I remind you of your old neighbors, then those must have been some pretty cool cats. Glad to know we've been making you laugh for all these years, amigo.
I never dreamed in 1974 that I would get emails from Cheech and Chong
Thanks for the laughs
And thanks for the gummies
Pamela F, Easley SC
Pamela, believe me, in 1974 I never dreamed I'd be sending emails to anyone (especially at my age)! But here we are, living in the future. Isn't it something?
Hi this is Kimberly D and I was so happy to hear from you 💗. I hope you are doing well ,I have watched all of your movies 🎬 that you all are in and I love them all, and I love the cruise chews, but the last time I ordered the Kosmic cruise chews and they don't taste as good as the cruise chews but I still eat them . 

But I ordered cruise chews again so I am all set, so thank you for sharing your experiences with me I love you ❤️ both.
Kimberly D, Ohio
Kimberly, I love to hear you've enjoyed all our movies. And hey, I feel you on the Kosmic Chews. They're definitely an acquired taste (to put it mildly). But that's what's great about having options, right? Stick with what works for you, and leave the Kosmics to folks like Tommy (they're too much for me too).
Hey Cheech, How'd you get so informed to make that hit on Jeopardy?---an inspiration for cool people.
Jess S, San Jose, CA
Jess, what can I say? I'm a man of many talents (and many, many hours spent watching Jeopardy). Nah, but seriously, I've just always been curious about the world, you know? Always trying to learn new things.
But between you and me, the real trick is finger speed. Most players know the right answer to most questions (even Anderson Cooper) but if you don’t time your buzzer finger right you’re out of the game before you start.
Too quick and you actually get locked out from answering. Too late, and well, Cheech Marin is answering your question…
Oh, and remember that little debate I was having with Tommy about our best movie or bit?
Well, turns out a lot of you had some strong opinions on that too.
Here are a couple of your thoughts:
Hi Cheech,
All of your movies are my favorite, but I really like the Corsican Brothers because it was unique, and i just like that time period. 
Sheila W, Georgia
The Corsican Brothers, huh? I gotta say, that one was a blast to make. Tommy insisted on filming the whole thing on location in Paris… made the production more expensive which didn’t make the studio happy but what else is new?
On the upside, when we were done filming for the day, we were in Paris..
Hey Cheech, that’s a tough one. So many great bits. I’ve been watching and rewatching your movies for years. I’m almost as old as Uncle Tommy(85 this year) but anyway I think that Up in smoke and nice dreams are the two best movies. 
My favorite bit from up in smoke is when you say “ I think we’re parked”… In nice dreams I thought the part where you are scooting around the floor in a straight jacket yelling “my ballsitch” was hilarious. Tommy has some great lines in both movies but those two are my favorites.
Rich W, Yakima, WA
Rich, hard to argue with that... Up in Smoke and Nice Dreams are definitely two of our most iconic flicks. And those bits you mentioned? Classic Cheech & Chong, man. "I think we're parked" still cracks me up to this day. And the straight jacket scene... man, I still get itchy just thinking about it.
It's the dogs chasing tail for me.
Mike M, Las Cruces, NM
Ah yes, the old "dog chasing its tail" bit. A perfect metaphor for so many things in life, don't you think? Simple, yet profound.
I did love Nice Dreams but I have to agree with Tommy. I’ll never forget being a young man and watching Up In Smoke at the theater with a date and thinking this was the best movie I ever saw. I’ve seen them all and they are all great but Up In Smoke brings back the memories.. just my opinion. 
Mark H, Dallas TX
I hear you, man. Up in Smoke is special. It was our first big movie, and it really set the tone for everything that came after.
Hey Cheech,
Aaron from Oceanside, CA here. You guys have so many funny bits and all of the movies made me laugh. It’s really hard to say which one is the best. One of your bits that still cracks me up every time I hear it, though, is Let’s Make a Dope Deal. Takes me back to my teenage years when my buddies and I would burn one and listen to Greatest Hit. 
Best wishes to you and Uncle Tommy!
Aaron B, Oceanside CA
Let's Make a Dope Deal, huh Aaron? Oh man, that one's a classic. I still get a kick out of it myself.
I gotta say, you guys have some excellent taste. I mean, I'm not surprised - you are part of the Cheech & Chong familia, after all. But it's still nice to see our work so appreciated, even after all these years.
Well, that's about all I've got for now. But if you have any other questions, I'm told you can just reply to this email and the Rock Stars at the office will pass it on to me!
Until next time,
Be good,


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Send All Love Letters & Hate Mail Here:

Tommy Chong's CBD 274 S 700 W Pleasant Grove, UT 84062

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