We went to the Urban Harvest for their annual huge Tree Sale early this morning, but not early enough. By the time we got there - ok, it started at 8am and we arrived at 9:30am, there was already a line of about 500 people waiting to buy a fruit tree, or two, or three. It's really great seeing sooooo many people wanting to plant trees, but hey...One of the staff I talked to said this was the biggest crowd she'd ever seen.
http://www.urbanharvest.org/index.html (there is a ton of good gardening tips here)
The crowd at the Urban Harvest Tree Sale was so big, we decided to leave and get over to the Houston Arboretum for their tree giveaway from 10am-4pm. Good thing we got there at 10:05am, because we took the last parking space. By the time we left, with our new mayhaw and tupelo tree seedlings, the cars were lined up almost out to Memorial Drive, waiting to get in, and if you know anything about this area, you know that is a LOT of cars.
Link to the Arboretum - http://www.houstonarboretum.org/events.asp

Since we got the new house and all, we need some trees and shrubs and such. A friend of ours who is a Master Gardener suggested that, of the trees that the Arboretum was giving away this year - several oaks, a few pines, the mayhaw and tupelo - the mayhaw would be great for us. Beautiful white flowers in spring and a red fruit that can be turned into all kinds of things. We'll see.
Some interesting information on how Arbor Day got it's start, back in 1872, by Nebraskan J. Sterling Morton (a Democrat) - the Secretary of Agriculture under President Grover Cleveland Alexander. http://www.arbor-day.net/
And, of course, you should consult Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbor_Day
We plan on planting both the mayhaw (here's a pic of the fruit)...

and tupelo in our front yard.

Fight global warming! Plant a tree!!
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