Best of luck to you all. You'll need it. We've pretty much trashed the place. Would you see what you can do about that? Thanks.
I went to college in San Marcos too, in the '70's, when it was called Southwest Texas State University. It's a beautiful campus in a terrific part of Texas, halfway between Austin and San Antonio, on the edge of the Texas Hill Country. Originally a teachers college, the school had long had a high percentage of females, and purty ones at that. Mmm mmm!
Back in those ancient days, there were only around 12,000 students. By 2007, there were over 28,000. Just milling about the crowd before the ceremony, I must have spotted six or seven Miss USA's in the making, and quite a few runners-up. Ah, glorious natural selection at work. But I'm glad to see that this hadn't changed about the place.
The stage was set...
And so finally comes the fun part. Get out there in the world, get a job, and hey, would you mind trying to clean up a bit around here, please? Like I said before, I'm sorry, but, we've pretty well fucked things up. Oh yeah, yeah, we're the greatest country on the face of the earth. Well, perhaps at one time, we were. But we've lost it. We've lost it bad. We're on a mean, stupid streak right now. Right towards the dumpster of history.
The U.S. has had a string of white males in power since its incepetion, and, looking around these days at the state of the nation, maybe it's time for something new. Of course, I don't really doubt that a female or a black man could be just as toxic, corrupt and thuggish as any white male could be.
Oh yeah, graduation.
It was inspiring to just sit there and think of all these fresh hearts and minds being unleashed into the "real" world, but, looking thru the printed program, I was a little disappointed to learn that the Commencement Address by Texas Supreme Court Justice Dale Wainwright had been given the day before. I kinda wanted to hear what that fool had to say. Wainwright is up for re-election this year in the all-Republican Texas Supreme Court. In addition to taking back the White House and building Democratic majorities in the Senate and House, we need to flush the Republican roaches out of state houses and the Judiciary too.
Oh yeah, the graduation...
People really do love their mobile phones these days, don't they? Everywhere you look, people are either speaking into their mobile phones, or they're madly texting someone.
BTW, whatever happened to Howard Johnson's? The room we had in San Marcos had seen better days. I hope. Maybe not.
Lucky us! For this one special, graduation weekend, good ol' HoJo yanked up their nightly rates! To double?! Now THAT'S patriotism.
I felt like saying....
Good luck Grads!
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