Sometimes, chiropractors tend to wander into "less established" forms of treatment: homeopathic, vitamins, herbs, acupuncture, and other even less well-established forms that some might call "woo woo." Chiros can toy with quackery.
My wife calls her latest chiropractor "Dr. Woo Woo." On a recent visit, he gave her some CieAura Transparent Holographic Chips, just to try out. He'd heard about them and he was open-minded as to whether they may help some patients. So she brought them home and we've used them for the last couple of days.
What are they? Small circles of adhesive film with different-shaped pyramids on them. They're holograms. "It's full of stars."
It may just be a powerful placebo effect, or a strong power of suggestion, but we both feel like we have benefitted from using them. I put two "Pure Relief" chips on my right foot, and it didn't bother me all day long today. (I've had some neuroma issues in both feet). The foot that didn't get the chips felt about as usual: bad, tender, painful.
She used the "Rest Quiet" chips on her temples last night for sleeping (and she did look a little "Woo Woo" with these sparkling pyramids on her face), and swears she got a really good nights sleep. She's using them again tonight. She's going to use the "Pure Energy" chips at work tomorrow.
It's wierd. It's a little woo woo, but we're both so tired of chronic pain that we're willing to consider unorthodox treatments.
Apparently, somewhat disappointingly, CieAura may turn out to be a multi-level marketing scheme. Check out the "Main Video" at this link.
Do you hear that? A train in the distance? Woo wooooo.

CieAura Transparent Holographic Chips™ are a revolutionary new technology using tried and effective homeopathic treatments devised over the past 3000 years. The Transparent Holographic Chips™ effectively are computer programmed holograms which when applied to a person or animal, reacts with the person or animals’ natural bio-magnetic field surrounding the body, causing minute positive disruptions of the bio-field and causing the body to balance its own energies.
When the CieAura Holographic Chip is applied to specific acupuncture areas, specific results such as the increase in energy, increase in stamina, deeper, more restful sleep, and other assorted reactions occur, depending on the program formula of the Holographic Chip and the related placement.
CieAura Transparent Holographic Chips™ are designed to interact with the bio-magnetic sheath around the physical body in a combination of ways that have been demonstrated for thousands of years to work effectively to heal and improve life. CieAura Holographic Chips have the look of simple decals on the body or clothing and are totally non-invasive and without any chemical component.

Our Holographic Chips use a combination of tones, colors, signs, symbols and essences or aroma that when placed along sensitive acupuncture meridian points, affect positive health responses. CieAura Holographic Chips are processed programs that are based on the combinations of homeopathy processes used in achieving harmony and balance for the life form.
CieAura Holographic Chip users are reporting increased focus and concentration along with better feelings and physical abilities.
A critical requirement for CieAura Transparent Holographic Chips™ to be effective is proper hydration - drink pure water. It is especially important for athletes, in particular, to continually consume water, preferably specially structured water, while wearing the Chip. The only limit to cellular communication is hydration; consequently, by increasing cellular communication in the body by drinking pure water increases the affect of CieAura Holographic Chips.
The CieAura Transparent Holographic Chip™ - employs a revolutionary technological approach to the re-alignment of two of the body's most important functions... the Human Life Functions and the Immune System Functions. Once these functions are re-aligned to where they should be for your given age, the immune system's ability to perform the removal of pathogens in the human body (Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi) is enhanced.
We also begin to achieve an electro-chemical balance in our body, required for wholesome cell production. These invaders of the human body are believed to be the cause of many illnesses and afflictions. When the body is disrupted with the everyday intake of beverages, food, and bombarded with micro-waves, both human created and those from the cosmos, our Human Life Functions and Immune Functions go out of “balance”.
The CieAura Transparent Holographic Chip™ products restore the balance thus allowing our body's defenses to perform at their peak abilities thus giving the body renewed energy and stamina. In doing so, the best medicine for the body, the bodies own natural immune system, is working at capacity. Numerous general health improvements will be noted along with unresolved health illnesses.
Our Chips do not treat or cure any specific disease; it simply enables the body to function at a higher level of health. When this type of natural healing environment is present, the body is able to effectively repair and heal itself in many cases. Naturally, individual results will vary depending upon numerous personal and environmental factors such as overall state of health, age, diet and so forth.
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