Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Monday, June 21, 2010

Obama address

Obama needs to hit these themes over and over and OVER! As well as the rest of the Democrats. That is, that the Republicans are solely pro-business, pro-rich, anti-progress, and they will trash the economy if elected again in November 2010, as they trashed it for eight years under the dismal Bush.

From the Democratic side, we are frustrated that Obama continually tries to be bipartisan and attract Republicans, even though they continue to oppose and block everything.

From the Republican side, you hear that Obama and the Democrats have "shut out" the Republicans from decision-making. This is amazing and absurd.

This has to get through to Obama: even with all the attempts to be bipartisan, they STILL oppose everything. They are radical and extreme in their opposition. So, push your agenda, Obama, regardless of the consequences. Republicans will oppose it, no matter which way you go.

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