Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Call Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and tell him the following:


(1) Becoming a multi-millionaire through connections made as an elected public servant.
(2) Your past crimes involving arson and gun violence.
(3) Voting FOR Mexican Cartel gun-running in 2006, then turning around and creating a non-existent conspiracy with "Fast and Furious" -- a program begun in the Bush administration.
(4) For conducting a multi-year witch hunt against President Obama instead of doing your job to stimulate the economy, assist your needy constituents who are homeless, unemployed, or hungry.
(5) For putting party ahead of country.

Issa's D.C. Office: 202-225-3906

...and here are a few more tasty morsels from Veracity Stew on Facebook.  IYAM, Veracity Stew is one of the best things about Facebook. and steal at will...

talk about activist judges?!

VP material?

---oh, there is so much more---

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