Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Friday, June 8, 2012

Mongoose vs. Cobra

No, this one isn't another very important U.S. Supreme Court decision.  This one is the newest craft beer bar to open up in Midtown in Houston.  This neighborhood is jumping!

It's finally here! The newest Midtown watering hole, Mongoose Versus Cobra, is now open! Mongoose strives to champion the most artfully and passionately made beer and spirits. Stop in and have a taste for yourself.

Mongoose Versus Cobra
1011 McGowen @ Main
Use the McGowen METRORail stop.

Mongoose is a sure-footed, crafty creature. Cobra is a dirty bastard who wanders the Earth without legs or feet. Cobra has no natural predators save Man… and Mongoose. Mongoose prevails in the fight with Cobra. Every time. Mongoose is swift, agile, and cunning, and he is unrelenting in his diurnal fight against the poisonous Cobra. He is passionate in his quest for perfection. He disregards limitations. A good small-beer brewer is also cunning, and he never stops working on his beers. In his quest to become better and better as a brewer, he trains his focus on quality over quantity.

At Mongoose versus Cobra, the fight between these two animals is highlighted and embraced.


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