Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

GOP despair

Yes, I am still gloating over the election.  It is especially sweet since so many Republicans were absolutely convinced that Romney would win in a landslide, and they thought they would take control of the Senate. 

Why were they so deluded?  One reason is that they all watch FOX News, probably exclusively.  There has never been a more mendaciously-oriented network on the air that persisted in disseminating so many lies, distortions and half-truths for the benefit of a political party.  In that sense, FOX is a pioneer, in a very, very bad way.

It is especially ironic to see the idiot that created the "Unskewed Polls" website.  He figured that the regular polls were oversampling Democrats (since Dems kept coming out on top), and so he just "unskewed" the polls and voila!  Romney was way ahead!!  If that is not the perfect illustration of GOP delusion, I'd like to hear a better example.

There is still one thing about the election that rather surprises me (I never wavered in my prediction that Obama would win.  I was just afraid that they GOP would steal it by manipulating the electronic voting machines). 

I am rather surprised that I have not heard shrill charges that the DEMOCRATS stole the election by manipulating the voting machines.  After all, the GOP was SOOOOOOOO convinced that Romney would win in a landslide.  How could Obama have possibly won, unless the Dems stole it?!?! 

The Dems didn't steal it.  They just turned out in massive numbers to vote, spurred on in part by the GOP's persistent efforts to disenfranchise them by all the "Voter ID" bullshit.  (Ever heard of a "boomerang"?)

To illustrate how the GOP still doesn't "get it", I heard a GOP strategist recently claim that the GOP doesn't need to change its principles in light of the recent drubbing.  They just need to change the WORDS THEY USE to describe their policies.  I guess they need to express a kinder, gentler form of hatred for women, minorities and Democrats.  Keep it up, GOP, and you will guarantee your irrelevance.

David Frum has some words of wisdom, one of the few GOPers that hasn't gone off the deep end into the Tea Party morass.  Naturally, he was drummed out of the GOP good graces because of it.

Conservatives, don't despair
 By David Frum, CNN Contributor

Washington (CNN) -- The mood among American conservatives is now one of apocalyptic despair.

Having convinced themselves that this election arrayed freedom against tyranny, they now must wonder: Did their country just democratically vote in favor of tyranny?

On Fox News election night, BIll O'Reilly explained the meaning of the election: The "white establishment" was now outnumbered by minorities. "The demographics are changing. It's not a traditional America anymore." And these untraditional Americans "want stuff. They want things. And who is going to give them things? President Obama. He knows it, and he ran on it."

O'Reilly's analysis is echoed across the conservative blogosphere. The (non-white) takers now outnumber the (white) makers. They will use their majority to pillage the makers and redistribute to the takers. In the process, they will destroy the sources of the country's wealth and end the American experiment forever.

You'll hear O'Reilly's view echoed wherever conservatives express themselves.

Happily, the view is wrong, and in every respect.

Read the rest here.

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