As you were, citizens. Our (imbecilic, brain-addled, self-appointed religious) leader has spoken. Oh, God, we will be so much better off when we finally shed this religious straightjacket that we've been wearing for years and years.Robertson: "Islam is not a religion. It is a worldwide political movement meant on domination"

On the June 12 edition of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club, following a report on Muslims in Minneapolis seeking religious accommodations at school and work, host
Pat Robertson stated, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have to recognize that Islam is not a religion. It is a worldwide political movement meant on domination of the world. And it is meant to subjugate all people under Islamic law." He characterized the American Muslim community as "Islam light" and went on to say Muslims "want to take over and we want to impose Sharia on you. And before long, ladies are going to be dressed in burqas and whatever garments they would put on them, and next thing you know, men are going to be allowed to have wife-beating and you'll be beheading adulterers and so on and so forth."
As Media Matters for America
noted, during the September 25 edition of The 700 Club, following a report on a summit between Pope Benedict XVI and Muslim envoys to address tensions over
controversial remarks the pope made about Islam, Robertson stated: "It's amazing how the Muslims deal with history and the truth with violence. They don't understand what reasoned dialogue is." Media Matters has documented
other attacks by Robertson on Muslims.
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