Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Nader for Obama V-P

How about a bold move, Barack? We all want "change" right? Even McCain tries to adopt the "change" mantra now and then, but any thinking person can see that, in many ways, McCain is not really McSame, but is "McWorse" than Bush. How about choosing Ralph Nader as your Vice-President?

Many Democrats and those further left agree with a whole lot of what Ralph Nader has to say, but don't like Nader because he refuses to run as a Democrat, seems like an egomaniac spoiler (what politician is not an egomaniac?) and just takes votes away from Democrats.

Most would probably agree that the Green Party was born of frustration with the Democratic Party. If the Dem Party were vigorous, forward-thinking and truly open to innovation, the Greens would be Democrats.

I know that Nader is not running as a Green this year. Cynthia McKinney (ex-Democrat) is the Green nominee this year. So Nader is unencumbered.

Obama would not be stealing the nominee of any party by selecting Ralph as his V-
P. Of course, were Obama to choose Nader as his V-P, I suspect that Nader would insist that Obama adopt some of Nader's points, if not most. If not all. And the likelihood of that happening is about the same as me being an alien from Gamma 4.

Still, what a way to heal some of the factions in the Democratic Party. Talk about unity. It's disappointing, but not totally unexpected, to see Obama drifting away from some of his previous stands, doing that apparently obligatory dance towards the "center," whatever the hell that is. Further from Nader's views, to be sure.

Choosing Nader and adopting some of his planks would be tremendously exciting and energizing.

Nader's website is

I mean, how many of these issues, from Ralph's website, do you agree with?

Adopt single payer national health insurance

Cut the huge, bloated, wasteful military budget

No to nuclear power, solar energy first

Aggressive crackdown on corporate crime and corporate welfare

Open up the Presidential debates

Adopt a carbon pollution tax

Reverse U.S. policy in the Middle East

Impeach Bush/Cheney

Repeal the Taft-Hartley anti-union law

Adopt a Wall Street securities speculation tax

Put an end to ballot access obstructionism

Work to end corporate personhood

Defend, Restore and Strengthen the Civil Justice System

Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, things continue to spiral downward...

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