Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pelosi: Bush a "total failure"

That depends upon your definition of "failure," Nancy.

If you are a fascist-loving autocrat, and/or wealthy, and/or a torture-loving warmonger, and/or a hater of American democracy or America itself, Bush has been a big, big success.

Just take a look:

When Bush "took" office, oil was $28/bbl. Recently it's been hovering around $150 bbl. Very good for his oil buddies.

He stole two Presidential elections, and got away with it! How is that a failure?

9/11 allowed them to usher in a surveillance police state as the "people" sat idly by, drooling in fear. Well-played!

He successfully turned his unable-to-prevent-9/11 administration into the only people that can "keep us safe."

They kept us safe from bargaining for group discounts on drugs and importing US pharmaceuticals from Canada, which would have saved the public a lot of money. Instead, it's a big success for Big Pharma. Who do you think Bush works for, after all? The little guy? Hahaha.

The Bush tax cuts lavished tons of free cash on the wealthy. If you're rich and have no conscience, you're probably pretty happy about that.

On the other hand, the Democrats did stop Bush from privatizing Social Security, so there's one failure for you, Nancy. And Bush did fail to prevent an increase in the minimum wage. And, and, he failed to maintain a Republican majority in Congress, so maybe you're onto something after all, Nancy.

Back to reality, Bush reneged on his campaign promise to control carbon emissions. Big success for the big polluters.

He has certainly succeeded at delaying any governmental action on global warming, at least in this country.

They resurrected Iran-Contra figures and put them back in positions of power. Big success for the criminal class and people who still pathologically idolize Ronald Reagan.

Bush successfully prevented anyone from paying a political price for revealing the identity of a CIA agent (Valerie Plame), by pardoning Scooter Libby. Where's the failure, Nancy?

Most of our governments regulatory agencies have been downsized, stripped of funds, and emasculated. Big success if you hate the gummint tellin' you how to do yer bidniss.

They dragged the Iraq war out until after Bush leaves office. Big success for bloodthirsty, hatemongering warmongers, and all lovers of corruption everywhere

He has succeeded in running up the biggest debts in history.

He has succeeded at convincing the public that Republicans "support the troops," while cutting veterans benefits at every turn. Brilliant.

They hung Hussein and killed both of his sons. Surely that made a lot of people get a woody and chant "USA! USA!" Bush successfully demonstrated what can happen to you if you don't "play ball" the way the U.S. wants to play ball.

He has successfully kept the boogie man of "terra" front and center by not capturing Osama. Big win for the police state.

By allowing torture (in obvious violation of the Geneva Conventions), he demonstrated that no one can tell America what to do, and he successfully trashed us in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Bush has successfully kept the Presidential papers of Reagan and Bush Daddy secret.

Bush has succeeded in building an iron, impenetrable cage around any information that he considers executive privilege.

He has successfully made the Democrats look like gutless, powerless wimps. (Granted, this one wasn't too difficult.)

Two of three of the "Axis of Evil" are arguably under control, and as Meatloaf said, "Two outta three ain't bad." At what cost? At what cost liberty?

There are radical right-wingers installed deeply in all levels of the Justice Department and it will take years to weed them out. Big success if you hate the little guy.

Oh, and Bush has successfully avoided being impeached, thanks in no small part to you, Nancy. "Total failure" Nancy? Do you think we're all idiots like George does?

(CNN) -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called President Bush "a total failure" on Thursday, among the California Democrat's harshest assessments to date of the president.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says "I disapprove of Congress' performance in terms of ending the war."

"God bless him, bless his heart, president of the United States -- a total failure, losing all credibility with the American people on the economy, on the war, on energy, you name the subject," Pelosi told CNN's Wolf Blitzer in an exclusive interview.

The comments came two days after the president sharply criticized Congress over what he described as relative inaction over the course of the legislative term. At the White House on Wednesday, Bush noted that there were only 26 legislative days left in the fiscal year and said Congress would need to pass a spending bill every other day to "get their fundamental job done."

"This is not a record to be proud of, and I think the American people deserve better," Bush said. In the interview, Pelosi said the president was in no position to criticize Congress and brushed aside the criticisms as "something to talk about because he has no ideas."

"For him to be challenging Congress when we are trying to sweep up after his mess over and over and over again -- at the end of the day, Congress will have passed its responsibility to pass legislation," she said. Why isn't impeachment on the table?

But Pelosi's comments come as a new Gallup poll registers the lowest level of congressional approval among Americans in the polling organization's 30-year history of conducting that survey.

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