Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself.
-old Apache saying
New cabinets!
We recently hired Valso, the manic Brazilian that built the fence around the Midtown Community Garden, to build some new cabinets for our dining room.
Long ago we ran out of storage space in the kitchen. Now, it will take awhile, but I'm sure we'll fill it up again. We always seem to expand to fit the space we have.
The structure spans the entire eastern wall of our dining room, a full 11' wide. (If you click each pic, they should open to a larger view.)
One of the only things I insisted on including was at least four large drawers into which I plan on putting all of the stuff that we recycle. It's too much hassle to walk everything downstairs to the garage when we have another piece of plastic or newspaper, and piling stuff up in the corner just wasn't very, uh, esthetic. These large drawers can also be used for a myriad of other things.
Valso noticed that we tend to drink a fair amount of wine, so he suggested we add a wine rack to the structure. It wasn't in the original plan, but, hey, good idea. And the three racks also pull outward, so you can see the label. A nice touch.
He also added a space to hang wine glasses from. We basically gave him the master design and let him loose on it.

A close-up of the granite counter-top. It's very similar to the granite in the kitchen.

Eight new waist-high drawers will take some time to fill. Six glass doors for the upper portion...
Valso added some special little design flourishes, no charge.
We used pine, a pretty soft wood, and so it is best to use a "wood conditioner" before staining.

We love it. Merry Christmas to both of us! From both of us! And to all of you too.
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