Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cosmic Hum

Cosmic hum?  Hey, I'm a believer.  In fact, I'm a firm believer in the power of the hum to help move the bowels along their way.  I shit you not.  Or, I shit you.  Or shit you not.  Whatever!

The Healing Power of "Cosmic Hum"
Sound can be healing. It can calm and soothe us, bringing us into deep states that relax us, countering the negative effects of stress. One of the most powerful ways of experiencing this is by listening to specific music.
When we listen to sound, it goes into our ears and into our brain. It affects our nervous system which affects our heart rate, our respiration and our brain waves.
I have been in the field of researching and applying the use of sound for healing for nearly 30 years. “Cosmic Hum” may well be one of the most powerful recordings I’ve created and is already a favorite of yoga practitioners, those who meditate and those who simply want to relax. Like many of my other recordings, such as “Chakra Chants”, “De-Stress”, “Holy Harmony” and “Ultimate Om”,  it is being used for stress reduction and pain reduction, helping calm and relax the listener.

I wanted to share awareness of “Cosmic Hum” with you, because for many the health benefits of this recording may prove to be extremely useful and effective. It is not music as you may normally think of it, so don’t go expecting Mozart or Beethoven. However, what you’ll hear in the humming sounds of this recording are frequencies that may have extraordinary relaxing and transformational effects. “Cosmic Hum” is available on, iTunes, and other music sources.

Read more.  Click here.

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