Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Saturday, August 11, 2012


I think I have figured out why the rightwingers seem to hate Barack Obama so intensely.  No, it's not because FOX Noise has kept up a constant drumbeat against Obama, although that is a factor.  FOX was born during Bill Clinton's presidency, and they have now honed their hatred of the left to a high art.  But no, it's not only FOX.

No, it's not because Obama is the United States first black President either, but that's also part of it.  Most rightwingers are indeed intensely racist.  But what's the one thing that white supremacists hate even more than a black man?  

I used to think that the fact that Obama wasn't "totally" black might ameliorate some of the racist hatred against him. After all, he was only "half" black, with a white mother and black father. I thought that this fact should moderate the hatred somewhat.  But that is the very thing that makes racists crazier than ever:

Obama is the product of a mixed-race marriage, and this is far worse than just being black.  Being black itself is bad enough, according to these neanderthals, but being the product of a black and white marriage, that is just an ABOMINATION!

And much of this though comes straight from the Bible.  At least, that's the way I see it.

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