Our family actually gathered around and sang a few Christmas songs on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning now and then, but those times were rare and not exactly looked-forward to. After a little while, the parents gave up on that.
It was really all about the presents!
Since we don't have children, the magic of Christmas is pretty much gone. About all that's left is the astronomical wonder of the inexorable changing of the seasons. That, and the retail aspect, including watching the wallet.

We know the drill by now: at this time of year the Pagans celebrated the Winter Solstice with feasting and long parties; the church co-opted the celebration to become the more-somber birthday of Christ; now the business interests of Wall Street, Madison Avenue and Main Street have turned it into the biggest retail season of all.
This time of year sure can be good for the economy. Now all three of those interests: the Pagans, the church and business all celebrate the season together. Not equally, by any means, but, hey, where's real equality anywhere?
So whatever Christmas means to you, whatever you might need or want the season to be, I wish you all peace and love and warmth as the sun slowly makes its way back North*. Let's go around again!
*only applicable to those in the Northern Hemisphere.
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