Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Thursday, January 16, 2014

third-level orgasm

Just what we've been needing!  An ultimate orgasm-inducer for women!  Perhaps they'll forget about income inequality or the massive numbers of women being raped around the world if they just have more intense orgasms.

Hey, it's worth a try.  But at $106?  I duuno....

This Ultimate G Vibrator Promises 'Third-Level' Orgasms

This is not a toothbrush handle pondering its right hand. Or an eraser giving birth.

It's a vibrator. A really scary vibrator that promises extra ecstasy.

Behold the Ultimate G, the $106 G-spot-mining gizmo now creating buzz on the Internet. It's "designed by medical experts to take you to the third level of orgasm," according to U.K. sex toy retailer Ann Summers. 

Need a bit more clinical explanation? "The main shaft with multiple pleasure bumps target your G-Spot directly, while the outer arms target the sensitive inner clitoris," the copy reads further.

New York Magazine asked whether the "third level" fell under The Huffington Post's Third Metric well-being initiative of Arianna Huffington.


UK sex toy retailer Ann Summers put some gynecologists to work figuring out exactly how to pleasure a woman in all the right ways. The result is the Ultimate G, a knobby, elongated device that somehow calls to mind Alien or a tool your dental hygienist might employ. Not what we're usually looking for in a sex toy, but okay. Though it's admittedly odd looking, it's easy to see how it might succeed where other toys have failed. A lot of G-spot toys don't contain any external stimulation, and this one looks like it offers plentiful vibes on the outside.

But, what is this third-level orgasm, you may ask? It's not entirely clear to me, though a more in-depth explanation can be found in this article, "Four Levels of Cosmic Orgasm." It does seem to involve "fulfillment and connection in all aspects of our beings," which, frankly, sounds awesome.

Original from the original.

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