Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Reason Rally 2016

We couldn't attend the first Reason Rally in 2012, but I think we'll be able to make this one in Washington D.C. this June 2-5. We should be retired by then. A new destination to write in. Push that envelope, because we are everywhere!

Welcome to Reason Rally 2016!
In 2012, people from all across America assembled together on the National Mall in D.C. for an epic event in the history of our country.  Standing in the rain, we declared to the world, “We are many! We are strong! We are united! And we are here!” Four years have passed and we’re ready to do it again!
We’re converging on Washington D.C. once again, but this time we’re at the Lincoln Memorial. In this historic place, we proclaim our dream of a future where people are free to express rational and reasonable views without the fear of reprisal, retaliation, or retribution!
This time we will have a variety of events over several days from Thursday, June 2nd through Sunday, June 5th.

Some speakers have been booked, including James Randi and Richard Dawkins. You can get onto the mailing list and stay current by clicking here

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