Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Thursday, July 4, 2024

It's July

This happens now and then on this blog: I get rather involved in things unrelated to the blog and don't get around to making posts. Happens with my contributions to social media too. Lately there have been a few other things demanding my attention:

1) Hurricane Beryl, which threatened us with a direct hit for several days before bending northward and taking aim at the Houston area. All that packing and preparation to flee was good practice, I guess. Living on the coast, one has to really keep an eye on tropical storms. It's a little unnerving, to know that, for any given storm, we could lose the house and everything in it. Having a little Xanax now and then helps!

2) Family visits, which just blow everything out of the water. We had planned a trip up to Michigan recently but had to cancel it almost at the last minute. 7 members of the family were planning on coming up to "house-sit" for us while we were gone, but when we actually were here, it was a pretty crowded house. You don't really need to "entertain" the family, but you should. Don't want to be too much of a mudge, even if I am a bit of a mudge. Xanax helps here too.

3) Health. The wife has had more than her share of aches, pains, and other health issues over the last couple of weeks. Tending to her reminds me of all the hard work that goes into "caregiving" for a family member. It's exhausting, and it can be hard to find some time for yourself. I have a feeling that this will only intensify as we get older. Xanax, please?

4) Being lazy. That's subjective, of course, but I do not hesitate to put off until tomorrow what I could have done today. And by the time you get around to posting something, the news has already moved on to something else. Except for Biden's poor debate performance, that might just become an axiom of the news media. 

So there can often be large gaps between posts. C'est le vie. It's not that I am avoiding the news of the day, I'm just avoiding mentioning anything about it. And, no, I don't take that much Xanax, but it can sure help take the edge off sometimes. We live in very stressful times, and it shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. Since I don't drink like a fish, I seek other methods of stress relief.

Oh yeah, Happy Birthday, America! Let's don't give up our democracy in favor of this orange scourge of a lying criminal. We can do it!

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