Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bill Moyers Journal on Impeachment

Bill had John Nichols and Bruce Fein on the 7/13/07 show, talking about how Bush and Cheney's actions REQUIRE impeachment proceedings. Just step back a bit and think about the different powers that Bush has grabbed during his terms. If you are a Republican, ask yourself if you'd like to see Hillary Clinton wielding the same type of powers.

Nichols hit a good point when he said that "Impeachment is not a Constitutional crisis. Impeachment is the CURE for a Constitutional crisis."

And that's what we've got right now. A crisis. It is the RESPONSIBILITY of Congress to restore the balance of powers. And it appears that Congress is going to need to hear from the people about it, or likely, nothing will happen.

This link contains a snip of the Moyers program, but also a link that will take you to the entire program. It should be MUST SEE TV, especially for Congress.

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