In short, there was no competition at the Hirshorn. All of these works below are the product of one man = Peter Callesen. His website is here. Shoot, he probably started the erroneous email, knowing that some people would end up finding out who the real artist is. An elaborate publicity stunt? Could be. Hahaha.
Funny how you can think something is true, and learn later that it wasn't true. Makes me wonder what other things I "think" that I "know" to be true but are actually not true? The real list is probably pretty long, but I'll never know it. Oh well. My apologies for passing along bad info. And thanks to my global research staff for bringing the truth to my attention. I goofed. Does admitting that make me a better person than George W. Bush? Hell yeah.
(You still should be able to click on any of the pics to open them bigger into another window. Most of these pieces of art were created out of a single piece of paper.)

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