Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Monday, December 29, 2008

Dems better pursue Bush war crimes

It's become quite clear why the Democrats seem so hesitant to pursue investigations and prosecutions against the Bush administration for war crimes such as torture and domestic violations of the law such as warrantless wiretapping.


Because Democratic leaders, such as Pelosi and Reid, are up to their eyeballs with guilt on the matters. They knew what was going on. They did not object. In fact, they assented to what Bush was doing.

It does not matter if all of this occurred in the heated aftermath of 9/11. Sure, tensions were high. Uncertainty reigned. But those are the PRECISE times when LEADERSHIP must step up and cool heads must prevail.

Pelosi and Reid have failed miserably. They are complicit in the Bush administrations violations of our laws, and it is no wonder that they are hesitant to prosecute Bush and his gang for these crimes. They are guilty also! Investigations will reveal that.

But we must let the chips fall where they may. If Democrats are guilty, PROSECUTE THEM ALSO! This is not rocket science.

If we do NOT prosecute these crimes, we will lose what little respect we have left in the world.

It's pretty much all up to Obama.

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