The MSM is a schoolyard bully. They're not very highly educated, but they're "strong" and they want to show how tough and "smart" they are nonetheless. Is everyone watching?? They love to show off. They just want to pick and pick on someone, to show their cleverness and ingenuity, and they have a 24-hour news cycle to fill, with a lot of competition.
They picked on Bill Clinton, a hick from the sticks, over the Whitewater bullshit, even though there was no "there" there, and even after multiple investigations proved there was no "there" there, they continued to refer to it as if it was a blight on Clinton's character.

But then along comes a real bully, George W. Bush. We have learned that about the only way to deal with a bully is to fight back, knock him down, practically be a bully yourself. Bush used 9/11 and the fear card to bully the MSM into submission. They all ran away like little girls (please excuse the sexism - I'm only using if for effect) and were afraid to challenge him any further. The Bush Gang got away with an awesome amount of bullying and wrongdoing. It worked for a long time. It takes a bully to tame a bully.
But now that the fear card is diminishing somewhat, and Bush is on the way out, and his power is waning, the MSM is no longer as scared of him.

Obama doesn't play those stupid games. He's a reasonable person, and so here comes the MSM pack again, looking to get an advantage, looking to bully yet another candidate. And unless Obama comes up with something to slap them down, they will continue to pick and pick and pick until they open up a wound or two, and then it will be feasting time.
It's just a theory.
Then again, maybe all the MSM is grossly, clandestinely conservative, and they simply won't go hard after a conservative, but will feast upon any Democrat. But that's another theory that my wife holds.
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