Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Clickable Quotes

Another slight improvement to the blog. 

The section on the right side of this blog called "Occasional Quotes" has morphed into "Occasionally Clickable Quotes" where, as the new name implies, you can now click on the author's name and SOMETIMES (for now) follow a link for more info on that person.  SOMETIMES will become USUALLY.  I don't do well with ALWAYS.

This change is inaugurated with the quote from Bangladeshi author/writer Taslima Nasrin.  She has said some other interesting stuff.  For instance,

"I came to suspect that the Quran was not written by Allah but, rather, by some selfish greedy man who wanted only his own comfort,” Nasrin explained in a speech at the 25th Annual FFRF convention. “So I stopped believing in Islam. When I studied other religions, I found they, too, oppressed women.  I want a modern, civilized law where women are given equal rights. I want no religious law that discriminates, none, period—no Hindu law, no Christian law, no Islamic law. Why should a man be entitled to have four wives? Why should a son get two-thirds of his parents’ property when a daughter can inherit only a third?"

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