Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself.
-old Apache saying
Three words from the Texas Democratic Party

No, not those...
The three words are...
Republican Hypocrisy Alert! 
John Cornyn & Kay Bailey Hutchison Fail to Deliver for Texas Troops, Democrats Pick Up the Slack
Republican U.S. Senators John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison dropped the ball last year when they failed to bring home federal dollars for Texas troops and their families. Despite a Republican majority in both houses of Congress and a fellow Texan in the White House, Cornyn and Hutchison left unfunded the recommendations of the Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC) that provide for significant upgrades to a number of Texas military facilities. Because Republicans in the Senate shirked their financial responsibility and passed the buck to the new Democratic Congress, key military facilities like Fort Sam Houston were unable to pay for needed improvements that would bring thousands of new jobs to many Texas cities, including San Antonio and El Paso.

Now, Texas' two Senators are attempting to cover up their failure by taking credit for the hard work of Texas Democrats in the House, who have demonstrated real leadership and successfully made the case for $3.1 billion in additional BRAC funding--on top of the $2.5 billion recently approved by Congressional Democrats.
Texas Democrats - including Congressmen Silvestre Reyes (Dist. 16), Chet Edwards (Dist. 17), Charlie Gonzalez (Dist. 20), Ciro Rodriguez (Dist. 23), Solomon Ortiz (Dist. 27) and Henry Cuellar (Dist. 28) - have tirelessly advocated for our troops and are delivering for Texas military facilities.

With their dog-and-pony show press conferences, John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison, who actually served as chair of the subcommittee in charge of BRAC funding, are playing politics with Texas troops and falsely blaming Congressional Democrats for their own mismanagement that has shortchanged our military. Clearly, their hypocrisy knows no bounds! Thankfully, Democrats are standing up for our soldiers. The next time you see a Democratic Member of Congress thank them on behalf of Texas families.
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