Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Msg from Republicans

Reading the online Houston Chronicle recently and came across this charming note from "PDiddie" in response to a story about Eric Cantor lying about how many Americans want to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act, found here.

PDiddie sums up the Republicans pretty well. What has been confounding to me is how many people call themselves Republicans who seem to be voting against their own self-interest. However, I have come to the realization that many of these Republicans are indeed arrogant, selfish, racist assholes.

Dear Americans Who Are Not Rich,

Can't afford health care? Screw you.

Want the food you eat to be safe? How quaint.

Deficit reduction? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!

Want Social Security to be preserved? You're an idiot.

In foreclosure hell? La la la we can't hear you!

Concerned about the environment? Treehugger. Eco-terrorist.

You want stronger unions? Good luck with that, commie.

Unemployment benefits running out? Quit whining and get a job, you lazy bum.

Muslim? Latino? Gay? You nasty un-American, you.

Looking for fresh new government ideas to solve problems? Move to Scandinavia.

Think you can count on us to stimulate job growth? Hell no you can't!

Reproductive freedom? We own your private parts, little lady.

Don’t want the government to default on its debts? Too bad!

Want the rich to be taxed more? In a pig's eye.

Wish we'd put America's interests above our own? Keep dreaming.

Love and Freedom Fries,
The New Republican House Majority

P.S. Like cake? Eat all you want.

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