Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday

At home on Sunday morning, April 4, 2010, I gazed out the front windows and saw that we had two beautiful irises suddenly in full bloom.  Scattered around them were five or six more, with a peek of white showing at the tip, indicating they would also soon be blooming.

I called the wife over and when she saw them she kind of gasped, "Those are your father's irises!  They were your mother's favorite flower!  Oh, they're so beautiful!"

I went downstairs into the front yard and snipped the two irises that were in full bloom.   Up close, they were magnificent.  

I decided to snip a few roses too, also suddenly in full bloom and brought them upstairs, to make a bouquet of our own grown flowers.

It sure is nice to be able to add a little beauty to the world, however fleeting it may be. 

There are over 250 documented species of irises, and a search on the intertubes did not produce a flower that looks exactly like ours.  

The closest I can get is the iris palaestina, but ours have a gorgeous purple streak not found in the pictures of palaestina.  

They do remind me of my mother, may she rest in peace.

Oh, was Easter Sunday some kind of religious holiday or something?  You guys kill me with your superstitions.  

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