Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Friday, April 2, 2010

Home Repairs

Months ago we smelled something
Unlike any other
Something was dead
You know the smell
It's unique, like everything else

We never knew what it was

Why is it taking so long?
And they're still damp?
Something was wrong
With our fabulous dryer

I pulled it out
Away from the wall
And crawled behind

Unhook the vent
What is it?

Oh look, it's a bird
A very dead bird
Stuck in the vent
Remember the smell.

This bird no longer smells
No longer smells like hell
As if there was a hell
Which there isn't.

We called up Sears
They sent a guy
He did some tests
"You're dryer's fine"

"You found a bird?
I'm not surprised
I see it like this
All the time"

They use their beak
To open the vent
And climb inside
And build a nest
And lay their eggs
Where they're safe and warm

I bet there's a nest
Inside your vent
Inside the wall
That's 40 feet tall

Our wall is tall
It's 50 foot tall
It ain't too straight
But it sure is tall

The bird in the vent
Had to crawl and crawl
15 feet east
Then an 8 foot drop
Then a twist and a turn
To finally get stuck
At the back of the dryer
And die

What a way to go.

The vent is there
Near the top
Of the 50 foot wall

There's no ladder
To bring
That's safe enough
To reach that high
Unless you're a fireman

Maybe if I told them my cat was in there...

When I was younger
And still in school
I studied it all
Like rapelling a wall

It's something I thought I'd never need to do...
Just for fun.

Now it's the only way
To reach the vent
Unless I hire
A mighty lift
For 400 dollars a day

I heard of this guy
Who's not all there
He likes to hang
Way up in the air

He uses a rope
To go over the side
And lowers himself
On a plank, what a ride.

On the way down
He stops at the vent
He pries it open
And looks inside

It's a really big nest
And fabric and sticks
And ribbons and fur
It's a really big nest
Or it was....

Now, we have our dryer back!

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