Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Thursday, October 20, 2011

9-9-9 BS

It's classic that a plan such as 9-9-9 comes from the Republicans. The Republican voting base cannot seem to handle complex issues, so something simple, like "9-9-9" is easy to grasp. The fact that it would increase taxes on the less-fortunate and lower them on the wealthy is not surprising at all, and probably beyond the comprehension of your typical Republican voter. Classic Republican tactics. That's what they do. Wipe the rich's asses with the poor's faces, and trick the poor into thinking it's chocolate ice cream.

The fact that Herman Cain is running around denying these facts is also classic Republican BS. Such a bold, in-your-face fuck you, and yet it gets presented as a good thing. How brazen!

Of course, if Cain is truly unaware of the effect that his 9-9-9 plan would have, then, what can you say? He shouldn't be anywhere near the Presidency. And, BTW, Godfather's Pizza was and is crap.

from Paul Krugman's blog...

TPC Does Herman Cain

The Tax Policy Center has the distributional analysis of 9-9-9. It’s awesome: (click the link in the prior sentence to see the larger chart)

Howard Gleckman summarizes:

A middle income household making between about $64,000 and $110,000 would
get hit with an average tax increase of about $4,300, lowering its after-tax
income by more than 6 percent and increasing its average federal tax rate(including income, payroll, estate and its share of the corporate income tax)
from 18.8 percent to 23.7 percent. By contrast, a taxpayer in the top 0.1% (who makes more than $2.7 million) would enjoy an average tax cut of nearly $1.4
million, increasing his after-tax income by nearly 27 percent. His average effective tax rate would be cut almost in half to 17.9 percent. In Cain’s world, a typical household making more than $2.7 million would pay a smaller share of its income in federal taxes than one making less than $18,000. This would give Warren Buffet severe heartburn.

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