Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Friday, October 28, 2011

CBO Report

The results are in. In case anyone was not clear, the wealthiest in this nation have indeed been taking the lion's share of the wealth generated over the last 30 years. No real surprise, but the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has confirmed it.

About 30 years ago, when the shill otherwise known as Ronald Reagan became President, we embarked on the "supply-side" mis-adventure. If you look at the experiment only from the perspective of the fabulously wealthy, supply-side economics has been a tremendous success. But if you look at it from the perspective of the other 99%, it's been a disaster, relatively speaking.

Take a look at the chart. Income inequality is reaching obscene levels. How much is "enough"?

Looking at today's Republican party, they are pure and simple shills for the wealthy. That's all they care about. Almost every proposal benefits the rich at the expense of everyone else. And they are resolute about it, while trying to couch their proposals with populist rhetoric, which only fools the rubes. Unfortunately, the rubes are plentiful in this country. If you keep cutting back on education, you'll have a steady supply of rubes.

We see the Occupy Wall Street protestors decrying the greed rampant in our culture. Look no further than today's Republican Party, the veritable epitome of greed. It's even in their name. They love greed. They think greed is good. And they are doing everything they can to further and advance their greed. It's totally shameful, if they were capable of feeling any shame.


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