Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Paid no taxes?

None?  For 10 years?  Romney paid no taxes at all?  Is it true?  

Hmm ... Lindsay Graham (R-SC) was recently heard justifying Mitt's efforts to "reduce" the taxes he paid as "the American way."  It's very "American" to try and pay less in taxes, says Graham.  

So ... let's hear Lindsay again try to justify Romney paying ZERO taxes for 10 years.  And what if EVERYONE could reduce their taxes to zero? Of course, all of us cannot do that, as we don't have the ways and means and accountants to weave their magic.  

And what if everyone could avoid paying any taxes?  ooh! it might help them realize their dream of drowning the government in a bathtub.  And when it all goes to hell, well, they can blame the Democrats for it. 

It's kinda hard to believe that the Republicans nominated this guy.

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