Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Space Chronicles

Just finished Neil DeGrasse Tyson's latest book, "Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier."  Having seen Neil only sporadically on TV on Real Time with Bill Maher or a couple of times on PBS, it was enjoyable to me to read the book and reflect on where we are right now with our space program, and where we've been since NASA was created in 1958.  Wow, I am older than NASA, and I haven't accomplished, uh ... ahem ... quite as much as NASA has.   Oh well, I didn't have billions at my disposal like NASA did!  So there!

With all the talk about "we should solve hunger on this planet before we explore outer space" most people don't realize that NASA's budget is one-half of one percent of the country's budget.  If we truly wanted to solve hunger on this planet, there are plenty of places to find the money.  

"Space Chronicles" is actually a series of columns and writings that Tyson has made - updated somewhat - over the last 10-15 years.  In that sense, it's easy to pick up, read a chapter, and put it down.  Perfect for those with short attention spans.  There is no ongoing narrative, except that every topic is about astrophysics of one type or another, which I am perfectly cool with.

They should put this book in every school library, especially the religious schools libraries.

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