Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Texas sucks

Texas has been firmly in the grip of the GOP for many years now (two extremely idiotic Governors in a row: Bush and Perry).  

In many cases, Texas Democrats were slightly more moderate than right-wing wackos, but at least Texas remained competitive when Democrats ruled the roost.  Not any longer.  Republicans must be sooooo proud.

I've said it before but not as well as Lisa Falkenberg of the Houston Chronicle did in "Hard for Lone Star to shine at bottom of heap":
I love Texas. But I'm not proud of where it's going. Or, more accurately, where we've let it go.
Fifty-first. Dead last. Worst in the nation. That's where a federal agency ranked Texas health care services and delivery earlier this month. 

Lisa cites more statistics on the downward slide of the State since the GOP took over a decade ago. We rank at the bottom or near the bottom on most every category that is measured except for minimum wage job creation. Texas is #1 for burger flippers.
Sure, when Forbes ranks Texas No. 1 for business, the boosters crow about job creation. They don't say much about what kind of jobs we're creating. Texas has the nation's third-highest percentage of hourly workers paid minimum wage or less, behind only Georgia and Mississippi, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
It is almost funny how major corporations haven't exactly rushed to move their HQs to the state. Maybe they don't want their kids growing up in a place that ranks near the bottom in education. Or swimming in polluted water, or catching fish they can't eat. They don't want to pay the highest rates for homeowners insurance in the nation, or skyrocketing electricity costs, or out of control rates for college. And maybe they don't want to move to a state that honors elected officials who are convicted felons and still holding their position at the capitol.

Eventually our statistics are going to catch up with us. Just remember, it didn't used to be like this.
At some point, we have to face the facts, acknowledge the rankings, and stop explaining them away with silly excuses like "the feds don't like us." I'm not saying we should get mad about them, or depressed, or move to Minnesota.

We can change course. But first we have to swallow our pride and admit we're on the wrong one.
posted by John Cobarruvias

Ed Note:  Most of the GOP are like Muslims in that they will NEVER admit they are wrong about anything.

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