Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Friday, February 22, 2013

One bin for all

Houston's current mayor, Annise Parker, the nation's first openly lesbian mayor, is really doing a great job.  I certainly hope they implement this idea.

Houston, we know we have a problem and with your help we can solve it! What if everything you put in a waste bin could be recycled? What if "trash" became extinct? And what if you no longer had to sort your plastic cups from your glass jar from your banana peel?

One Bin for All is a revolutionary idea for residents to discard all materials in one bin, treating "trash" as valuable assets, dramatically increasing recycling using game changing technologies.

Houston is one of the 20 national finalists chosen by Bloomberg Philanthropies to receive a generous grant to help implement One Bin for All. You can help the City of Houston's idea become a reality!

Vote now for One Bin for All in the fan favorite contest at this link.

Vote today and then tell your friends, family and colleagues to vote until the contest ends on Wednesday, March 6, 2013.

With One Bin For All, residents can put everything from soda cans, paper and plastic to food scraps, rubber, wood and glass into one bin, then technology does the rest. By relying on state of the art technology and new process systems to sort trash from recycling, Houston would be able to achieve recycling rates of up to 75%.

Help bring to Houston an easy to use service that will increase Houston's recycling and waste diversion, improve air quality and lower costs to our city!

Vote today!  Click here.

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