Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Not that I have ever served in the military, but I hear, and believe, that war is hell.  I'm not sure why vets from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars seem to be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at a very high rate and veterans committing suicide is said to be at record highs.  What is it about those conflicts?

Is the "enemy" a little too nebulous and ill-defined?  Have we been using new or super toxic chemicals over there that will prove to be horrid once we own up to them (think: Agent Orange)?  Are we just reporting and noticing PTSD more than in previous wars?  PTSD is a pretty recent term.  Previously I think they would have called it "shell-shocked."

(click 'em if you can't read 'em very well)

Don't shed a tear for Sarah.  She'll do fine and land on her back.  I mean, feet.  But don't worry, there's no way she'll end up being a Senator from Alaska.

This is as good a reason as any to discontinue the drone program...'s another good reason...

I guess the "believers" don't ever think about this...

Isn't it amazing how positions that were supported by the GOP are now opposed by it, as long as Obama is for them?  Republicans act like spoiled children.  They certainly don't deserve to be in positions of power.  Our Founding Fathers would truly be ashamed of today's GOP.  

Don't need to say any more, except "Good Luck with that!!"

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