Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

U.S. Rail System?

Why can't this country get started on some serious high-speed rail projects?  I've lost track of the countries that already have some high-speed rail - most of Europe, Japan, China, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, even Uzbekistan, fer Chrissakes!  

But here in the U.S.?  Nope.  Why is that?  Three little letters:  G.O.P.  Too simple?  Not really.  I am really getting sick and tired of the Republicans standing in the way of any kind of progress in this country.

Here's a map of what might be in the U.S.

America's economy could be growing more quickly if we just focused on the right things—like high speed rail, for example. It takes cars off the road, creates thousands of jobs, makes travel easier, etc. One artist decided to draw up his vision of one potential future. We hope people consider it.

This currently is just a designer's dream. It can become a reality though, if you sign the official White House petition. It needs 100,000 signatures in order to get an official response.
This map is inspired by ideas from various agencies and advocacy groups including Amtrak, Wikimedia Commons, Florida High Speed Rail, Southern High Speed Rail, Southeast High Speed Rail, Ohio Department of Transportation, California High Speed Rail Authority, Midwest High Speed Rail Association, US DOT Federal Railroad Administration, and Texas High Speed Rail.

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