Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Reid goes nuclear!


Harry Reid followed through on his "threats". He's been threatening to change the filibuster rules, or "go nuclear" in the sensationalized vernacular of our "news media", for several years now, giving the GOP ample time and opportunity to act responsibly.  

But it's the GOP, they CAN'T act responsibly (very few Republicans excluded).  

This change to the filibuster rule (meaning only 51 votes are needed to proceed) only applies to non-SCOTUS judicial confirmations and Presidential cabinet picks.  It does not apply to confirmation of Supreme Court justices or legislation.  

Naturally, Mitch McConnell, the GOP Minority Leader in the Senate, said that if he's the Majority Leader, he will make this apply to EVERYTHING, including Supreme Court justices AND all legislation.  

Typical.  The GOP got a little fucked here (by their own assholiness) so they have to DOUBLE-FUCK the Dems.  

I'm finally impressed by Reid.  I wish they had done this years ago, but it just goes to show how cautious and deliberate Reid is.  And he gave the GOP chance after chance after chance.  
Here's the video of Reid's speech today in the Senate.

The full text of Reid's speech is below:

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