Oh great. It seems we have another billionaire brother duo out to do "the Lord's work" by slinging their filthy fracking money to anti-LGBT groups, "anti-choice" pregnancy centers and other right-wing nutjob groups.
They are so arrogant as to suggest that the "Lord has blessed them with" their riches. The Lord? Hey, I'm an atheist, but they made billions on that very dirty extraction method called "fracking" which is polluting citizens lands and water supplies and contaminating underground water tables. If I were a religious person, I might just wonder if THE DEVIL blessed them with those riches? They signed a PACT WITH THE DEVIL!!!
So it does look like we are going to have a war between the billionaires. So much for "of the people, by the people and for the people."
If there was a God with even moderate power, he would strike filth like the Wilks brothers down. But there isn't a God, and they probably know it, so they can claim to have God's blessing all they want, and they know there will be no cosmic retribution for doing so, and they know that the rubes just love that shit.
People like the Wilks brothers are dangerous. Not because they are emissaries of the Lord. Because they wield billions of dollars in an anti-Christian fashion, all the while proclaiming they are good Christians.
U! S! A!
Meet the Billionaire Brothers You Never Heard of Who Fund the Religious Right
The Wilks brothers, whose fortune comes from fracking, give tens of millions to right-wing groups and anti-choice "pregnancy centers," anti-LGBT groups, and organizations affiliated with ALEC.
Farris, Voy and Dan Wilks - gag me, Jesus! |
Last June, presidential hopefuls Rand Paul and Ted Cruz traveled to Iowa for an event convened by David Lane, a political operative who uses pastors to mobilize conservative Christian voters.
Lane is a Christian-nation extremist who believes the Bible should be a primary textbook in America’s public schools, and that any politician who disagrees should be voted out. Lane’s events are usually closed to the media, but he has given special access to the Christian Broadcasting Network’s sympathetic David Brody. Brody’s coverage of the Iowa event included short video clips of comments by brothers Farris and Dan Wilks, who were identified only as members of Lane’s Pastors and Pews group.
CBN’s Brody reported: “The Wilks brothers worry that America’s declining morals will especially hurt the younger generation, so they’re using the riches that the Lord has blessed them with to back specific goals.” One of those goals may be David Lane’s insistence that politicians make the Bible a primary textbook in public schools.
Here’s Dan Wilks speaking to Brody: “I just think we have to make people aware, you know, and bring the Bible back into the school, and start teaching our kids at a younger age, and, uh, you know, and focus on the younger generation.” And here’s Farris: “They’re being taught the other ideas, the gay agenda, every day out in the world so we have to stand up and explain to them that that’s not real, that’s not proper, it’s not right.”
That was the first time we had heard of the billionaire Wilks brothers, who have become generous donors to right-wing politicians and Republican Party committees. While both Farris and Dan have given to conservative groups and candidates, it is older brother Farris whose foundation has become a source of massive donations to Religious Right groups and to the Koch brothers’ political network. Farris also funds a network of “pregnancy centers” that refuse, on principle, to talk to single women about contraception. (Married women need to check with their husband and pastor.)
Like David Barton, Farris thinks conservative economics are grounded in the Bible. Like Mitt Romney, he says people shouldn’t vote for politicians who promise “free this, free that.” Like any number of Religious Right leaders, he saw Barack Obama’s re-election as a harbinger of the End Times and he believes God will punish America for embracing homosexuality. Unlike all of them, he’s on the list of the world’s richest people.
Fracking Billionaires
Dan and Farris Wilks became successful working in and then running the masonry business that was started by their father; they have now turned the company over to
the next generation of Wilks men. But Dan and Farris really hit the big time when they got in on the ground floor with fracking, the controversial natural gas drilling technique that has boomed over the past decade.
The fracking boom has produced a surge in wealthy Texans.
the rest of the bullshit is here. A lot of this pseudo-Christian bullshit would die out except for misguided billionaires like these.