Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Friday, June 27, 2014

Cesar Chavez

Amazing what Republicans will do to win. Shameful too. 

An Arizona Republican, who had lost two previous elections, changed his name to Cesar Chavez and registered as a Democrat.  But he says he changed his name to Cesar Chavez because of a baseball player named that and his dog prefers "Cesar" dog food.  Rrrright.

We've seen how low the Republicans have stooped over Obama's two terms in office. Apparently the rot runs alllllll the way down the ballot.


He seems so sincere, doesn't he, people?

So he gets sued by Alejandro Chavez, the "real" Cesar Chavez' grandson, and he gets kicked off the ballot because almost HALF of the signatures he collected were rejected.  No place but Arizona?

Cesar Chavez to be removed from ballot, plans to appeal.

A judge ruled Tuesday that Cesar Chavez, the former Republican who changed his name from Scott Fistler, will be removed from the primary ballot in the 7th Congressional District because hundreds of his signatures were invalid.

The ruling caps a bizarre episode in Arizona politics, one observers have called unprecedented. It attracted international media attention when The Republic revealed the full story behind Chavez, the candidate who chose the name of a deceased civil-rights leader and registered as a Democrat for political gain in the heavily Hispanic left-leaning district.

More here.

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